I know! He's small but I like that's he's not all Tom Cruise about it. He seems comfortable with his size. I would like a nice Skarsgard sized yummy too.
I know! He's small but I like that's he's not all Tom Cruise about it. He seems comfortable with his size. I would like a nice Skarsgard sized yummy too.
Oh definitely. Gale and Katniss start out from the same place but because of her time in the games (and her relationship with Peeta), her worldview changes while his stays the same. It's sad, but it's also realistic that experiences cause people to grow apart whether they be apocalyptic killing games or college or…
You are welcome! Although I'm kind of dreading watching Catching Fire next week because the ending will give me ALL THE FEELS.
YES! He doesn't neg on Katniss like Gale does, being all "ugh, these leather goods are from the CAPITOL, gross! Don't feed my family, Catnip!"
Plus he fell in love with this girl when they were five and she wore her hair in 2 braids and sang real pretty and when she was starving he fed her even though he knew his momma would beat him and then he tried to die for her in this ridic reality show but they won together but she didn't love him back and it made him…
Yes! She needs to be a fashion Barbie with many outfits & wigs.
This is totes going on my wishlist. I just wish she was in the McQueen butterfly dress.
I'm posting this here because I don't have access to Groupthink.
Could someone please grant me permission to post on groupthink/the powder room? I have things to say!
Pope & Associates will not take your case. GOOD DAY, SIR!
I've been getting little greys since my mid20s. I usually colour my hair because a) I don't like my natural colour and b) my parents both went grey with brown for many years and it wasn't nice looking. Now they're full grey (dad is full white) and it's fine, but I want to skip that awkward middle phase. If I went full…
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