Holy Fuck.
Holy Fuck.
When I came out as bisexual, I jokingly said "Now I have twice as many people to reject me!"
Maybe! Everyone I know locked. I know my parents didn't while they were growing up but my mom grew up in Willowdale so there were still like cows in a field near her house and my dad grew up poor with 9 other siblings. I don't think they had any problems. I think a lot of it was the culture of fear in the 80s and…
Uh, I'm Canadian too and we've ALWAYS locked our doors.
Then again:
a) I live in Toronto (nice, mostly white middleclass area but still Toronto)
b) My parents came home from their honeymoon to find that the house had been robbed (burgled?) by some teenagers
c) I was a kid growing up during the years that Paul Bernardo…
Exactly! I never answer the door or the phone unless I know who it is. I figure if it's important, they can leave a message. And I would never go to the door in the middle of the night. If anything, I'd call the cops. Then again, I am just a silly Canadian who has never seen a gun drawn IRL and have no 2nd amendment…
Noooo! Why would he do that? Tyrion is one of the best characters in the whole damn shebang!
Both videos are are inferior to the ultimate "where my ____ at?" video: Whur Muh Boats At?
She should also address Olivia's inability to wear colours.
Ahhh! I really want this but I am unemployed and I really shouldn't. BUT IT'S SO AWESOME. But finances! BUT AWESOME.
I'm going to sleep with all the lights on tonight and listen to my Tina Fey Bossypants audiobook instead of my usual urban fantasy jam because I NEED LAUGHTER AND LIGHT.
Yeah, I imagine my painkillers could get some pretty sweet cash on the street, but I pay $1/prescription, so I have no idea what they actually cost. Since I'm unemployed now, I'm not looking forward to finding that out.
I usually have my iPhone ($400?), my keys, my wallet ($20 + NO MONIES=$20), Fresh travel-sized sugar lip balm (birthday promo from Sephora), 2-3 ultrathin maxipads ($1?), gravol ($5), painkillers ($1 w/drug plan, possibly $30000 without), lactaid pills ($2?), a protein bar ($3) and a reusable shopping bag ($5?). OH…
What is the ghost robber looking for? Do they not carry his favourite booze? Because he seems pretty picky to me.
Yeah. Fingers crossed she goes to the wall eventually so I can get some dragons and weather appropriate costuming!
Copyranter is an advertising dude. As in man.
It's for Suri Cruise.