I tried to get a slogan written across my dick and...well, never mind.
I tried to get a slogan written across my dick and...well, never mind.
Miller: A lot o’ people don’t realize what’s really going on. They view life as a bunch o’ unconnected incidents ‘n things. They don’t realize that there’s this, like, lattice o’ coincidence that lays on top o’ everything. Give you an example; show you what I mean: suppose you’re thinkin’ about a plate o’ shrimp.…
Klinsmann is perfectly American now.
Also, “I’m not a fuck-pig. I’m calling the cops” rather than “Dude, we got some chick passed out upstairs!”.
You get it.
Up periscope!
Do you know James, Masshole and the gay/drunk Patriots dude?
This ‘combine’ shit is just a modern version of slave auctions. No, I’m not sorry to kill you big black dig tittering buzz.
Not to worry, diabetes will come for him. Not now, not tomorrow, but soon. Soon my pet, soon.
Similarly in Boner Misnomer news, “mild” mental retardation still puts a subject in the 2nd percentile if the normal curve means anything.
I would humbly suggest a “Thunderdome” situation. That way we might get the porn star and wrestling champion we deserve.
21 million....21....million.
my wife had a tibial plateau fracture...nasty. i’m sure the injury hurt too...
Jesus Christ! Apparently ‘real’ information on the topic. My head hurts.
That’s just the flip-side of the police’s attitude. Meaning, this won’t get us anywhere.
Add LA to your list: https://grimsleeper.wordpress.com. Ooops, sorry, add the whole country. No, I mean add the whole world.
Not so fast. The original trial rather effectively used the press to bend public opinion to guilty based on outlandish claims of rape/torture. This definitely had an effect, so who is to say? Could we start a collection to get her to defend Brendan as well?
Two peas in a pod...of the fn’ Useless plant.