How many fucking title chances are they going to blow? I would've lost my shit as an Arsenal fan eight years ago. Props to them for it taking this long lol.
How many fucking title chances are they going to blow? I would've lost my shit as an Arsenal fan eight years ago. Props to them for it taking this long lol.
Kevin Johnson for President.
The city of LA is ironically complicit in more ways than one. He worked at the landfill. Great way to dispose of bodies. Of women few cared about or spoke up for.
Be sure to play hopscotch over the vagrant bowel movements!
I’m not sure, considering a lockdown of the information, how may of the other inmates even know he’s there? (I’m sure that realistically the prison grapevine has it covered but they can try to operate in secrecy). The article also references his last location which means they may have moved him. There maybe a current…
Wow, that’s terrible It’s important work and the public seems to be against it as well which is a shame. Public defenders are not the problem with the criminal justice system.
Paradigm Shift 2070 is the most important and influential TED talk ever.
I would say the much higher likelihood is that by virtue of being a lawyer, she may think her and her husband should be able to do/have whatever the fuck they want. Full disclosure: I’m a lawyer, and most of them are A-type assholes who think at least to some degree that they should be able to whatever the fuck they…
You sound crazier than a shit house rat.
He’ll be released in a few hours, the shitty part is that between impound fees, fines and legal fees he probably could of bought an ounce of blow and really had himself a good time. Instead now he has to come down in a jail cell, not a good time.
Hüsker Dön’t
They get more respect from docs where we live. I suspect it’s because PAs are trained on the medical model and nurses train on the nursing model.
That’s just like, your opinion, man.
Obviously this is not geared towards professionals.
When your country decides to actually provide decent paid maternity leave, then perhaps we’ll talk. Till then....nope. You don’t get to whine about this.
VERY few of them come out with ANY money, let alone enough to take care of kids and grandkids. Your chances would be much less if you had significant cognitive disabilities.
Leon, describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about... your mother.
just click the star-shaped thingy