It triggered some kind of “fight or flight” response in their brain. It’s really strange how triggered people like that get, to actually think they’re being threatened by words.
It triggered some kind of “fight or flight” response in their brain. It’s really strange how triggered people like that get, to actually think they’re being threatened by words.
This was known before the 2016 election. Biographies about him talked about how as a teenager, the young Donald would throw rocks at babies for amusement. None of this is surprising.
It’s all because he wants any future statues of himself protected. I guarantee that in his little “Garden of American Heroes” there will be a statue of him saying he’s the one that founded the park. He wants to be immortalized because he knows the next president can remove everything he did, rendering his presidency…
A small reminder that he once “joked” that he should have his face added to Rushmore a couple of years back.
A judge who didn’t bother to look at the rich history Robert Trump has of trying to protect his moron brother. Robert Trump has lost every single case he’s ever started.
That and the complete and utter shutdown of tourism to the USA. Towns and cities that needed it to survive won’t be able to last, what with the USA being on a “no-travel” list.
His Secret Service detail is out sick with COVID-19 since no one around Trump seems to be allowed to take preventative measures.
Next month is when they decide on whether people get access to Trump’s tax returns. That’s when he’s going to let everyone down.
Can’t do that yet. They need to save that for when one of the Simpson voice actors/actresses die.
3 whole weeks of complete lockdown in March would have stopped COVID-19 completely. 3 weeks of no human contact and the virus would have gone extinct.
Pays off his bills, sues his friend for $30 million, then sues the insurance company, who paid his bills, for another $30 million, then tries to sue them 2 more times.
Nope, those 2 aren’t humans. Those are Bigfeet. When will they be put on display at a zoo?
You need to remember the USA is a country that claims nationalized health care doesn’t work, but almost every other country in the world has it and it works just fine.
For anyone who feels the slightest bit of empathy seeing an old man on the verge of tears walking back to the White House, don’t. Trump’s entire life was devoted to greed and hatred, and before anyone even thinks about “elder abuse”, Trump tried many many times to have his own elderly, mentally compromised father put…
It’s insane how a man who defends his trademarks believes no one else should have a trademark or copyright, that only he should be allowed and he can use anything he wants regardless of copyright. He did this before he was president, so he somehow has always thought he was above the law.
It was his big day, and he was absolutely crushed at how no one showed up to his party. He needed the ego boost, he got nothing in return.
CNN has an article up about all the planning leading up to the event. It was all basically just so Trump could be praised and cheered by the masses, there was no other point to it at all, it was all just to inflate his flaccid ego. His aides were actually afraid because there weren’t massive crowds gathered to greet…
The “brave” ones are all at home guarding statues of traitors and cowards.
Pretty much. The numbers are about 80% of all Twitter accounts are bots. I don’t know how that business can survive when it makes no money, unless they’re the ones who sell the bot accounts for follows/likes.
I really wonder what the line is with Americans. How far are they willing to fall?