One of the funny ones is how Israel had no idea what the hell Kushner was doing there. They knew the moron couldn’t solve anything, and just sat there and let him do his thing.
One of the funny ones is how Israel had no idea what the hell Kushner was doing there. They knew the moron couldn’t solve anything, and just sat there and let him do his thing.
I wonder if his aides know too much blood thinners will kill him. Fatty must be enraged 24/7 now that Bolton and an extended family member are releasing books about how stupid he is. His aides have to be juggling between not enough blood thinners or too many.
Did everyone just forget how Trump made sure to deny one of his nephews medical care? It was public knowledge that the man wanted his family to suffer.
After how he behaved yesterday at his little speech at West Point, all future rallies should be canceled. The man clearly has dementia. He could barely walk up and down the ramp to the podium, and he had great difficulty drinking from a glass of water. One of his aides even responded using his Twitter account saying…
South Park The Fractured But Whole
Yep, that’s what dementia does to a person.
It gets more pathetic when you realize they’re all directly related. Brother-sister-brother relationship.
Human beings should not be that stupid.
Not hard. He’d just wobble and jiggle.
Diaper Don and his brother Eric look like the hillbillies from the Wrong Turn movies.
Why is Diaper Don allowed to have Secret Service protection and take these trips? Kushner and Ivanka are part of Trump’s cabinet (for whatever reason), Diaper Don here isn’t.
What good ones? The good ones quit after a year in the force because they’re sickened by the corruption.
They are terrified. The way Trump is acting is proof. They’re in full-blown panic mode. He knows he’s going to prison if he loses, so he’s going to do everything he can to try and win.
He really should just come clean and admit that Trump was blackmailing him. He went from being a Trump hater to a Trump defender so incredibly fast.
We all saw the video. Those 2 cops shoved that man to the ground for no reason but to hurt him. Their 57 buddies resigning because those 2 shitheads were caught proves those 57 cops are also pieces of shit.
Nope. His death is either massive heart attack/stroke, or dementia. Dementia is the preferred way because he will forget everything he ever was and is. He will forget his name, his “empire”, even that he was president. He knows it too, it’s why he’s so obsessed with his last name and he tries desperately to get things…
The police officers who took the job because they flunked the psych evaluations for the military. They want to hurt people, they want to bully others, and the military knew that and made sure they couldn’t do anything. They ran off to the police and applied, and big surprise, the police accepted them, even after they…
The physical results are hilarious. His cholesterol has magically dropped a ton in a single year, even though he doesn’t exercise and we’ve seen his buffet filled with McDonald’s, so he’s definitely not eating healthier.
You can’t fucking using the military to do anything to their own civilians. Everyone in the entire history of the world knows that. You can’t take a soldier and send them back to their neighborhood or where their parents are and order them to open fire on the people they knows and loves. You can’t even send them…
Your $20 bill has Andrew Jackson on it.