
Guaranteed. Whenever some old obscure law comes up, it’s Miller who has been looking for them.

Revelations is a fairy tale version of the fall of Rome. It’s not a prophecy.

It’s more like they desperately want him to trigger the end of days. Their religion is when they die, they’re dead until Jesus returns. With all their faith and belief in the afterlife, they will be dead until Jesus shows up and says “Ok, done. The dead get to live again and come with me to Heaven”. But if the end of

It’s not just all that, he actually had the pastors at the church gassed. They were there and they were gassed. The whole event is insane, even Republican senators are puzzled by it (except a couple who are kissing his fat ass). Even Graham, ass-kisser supreme, is questioning why he did that and what purpose it

Andrew Jackson killed thousands of indigenous peoples.

Considering he’s bragging about how DC is “under control” due to “domination”, yeah, he’s high on power right now. He’s so happy and proud that cops were assaulting innocent civilians.

What’s it like to be so naive you believe the words of a fat old man who failed every business he ran in his 73 years old life? You look and listen to Donald Trump and you are like “Wow, he’s right!” even though the man is so enthralled by dementia all he can really say is “It’s very very very ok. The country is

He’s going to jail if he loses in November. He needs to hold onto the presidency for as long as possible. This is the act of a desperate man, and he doesn’t care who gets hurt.

He thinks he’s the king of the USA. The king doesn’t have to acknowledge anyone else but himself.

Trying to use your military to attack your own people is a sure-fire way to end up removed from power. The military is trained to defend the country, they’re taught to be ready to fight enemy combatants in some foreign country. They’re not trained to turn their weapons on US civilians. It takes a raging psychopath to

Considering what he said in a meeting with state governors this morning, it’s clear he doesn’t want it to end. He wants violence. He’s called all the Democratic governors “weak” and is trying to get them to force the arrest of all protestor, claiming they’re from “the radical left”, whom he’s trying desperately to be

There’s lots of people in this world that think since they have a cold, they have to pass it onto others so those people will feel as miserable as they do. Considering how ignorant Americans are towards COVID-19, this person doesn’t realize their petty little “revenge” can get people killed.

That should have triggered a revolution, but nah.. Must be something good on TV!

The one thing I don’t understand about this story is why the hell do you want to be so close to people you don’t know? There’s barely standing room, yet these people want to jam together like sardines. That’s not normal, it’s weird and frankly gross.

There’s a reason why his physical results weren’t released this year.

Remember, these are people whose ancestors were kicked out of Europe for being too prudish.

Still nothing on how Trump is demanding all places of worship be opened or he’ll somehow “force” them? Both the president and vice president claim to be Protestants, yet they don’t seem to know their faith was based off how Martin Luther claimed a church was not needed for prayer, than a person could pray anywhere and

He has dementia, it’s clear as day.

He’s a cowardly little animal, he knows if he loses the election, he’s going to prison. With all the lawsuits, his main defense is that the president can’t be investigated or charged with anything. His only hope is reelection then the statute of limitations nullifying his crimes during a 2nd term. He will resort to

Germany. You mean a country with plenty of prey animals in the wild that could be used to feed the carnivores in the zoos? Or have wild rabbits gone extinct in Germany?