
Trump is admitting that he’s taking advice from random doctors who write in telling him some drug works?... That right there is proof he’s got dementia and he’s not in his right mind.

He doesn’t just have high cholesterol, he legitimately has a heart disease. He’s lying like he always does. He probably has stock in a company that supplies it.

Considering his own father lived in fear of him in the final years of his life, I think even his father would have loved to smother young Donald as a baby.

If none of them did, Trump sure as hell would have once his time was up.

That’s 1158 people that didn’t have to die. 1158 people that are now gone because of idiots like you. You should be locked away in prison.

Well, there you have it. Fred Trump died of dementia. Donald Trump has shown major signs of dementia. Donald Trump Jr. has already begun to show signs of dementia. And now, Eric Trump has just shown his early warning signs of dementia setting in. It’s not looking good for young Barron at this point.

Remember when Trump bypassed Congress to place tariffs on Canada and other allied European countries, claiming he was allowed to because those countries were threats to national security? Then a month later he bragged on Twitter that he only did it to “get back” at said countries due to his belief that they ripped off

He’s going to cheat because he’s going to prison if he doesn’t get a second term. It’s not about power or fame anymore, he needs to be president to avoid jail time. That means he’s going to be very desperate and do whatever he can to stay out of prison.

Trust me, it gets worse. The stats (likes, retweets, and followers) you see on tweets are about 70-80% bots that the person paid for.

It’s not going to happen. Last year his farmer supporters were committing suicide or just saying “Well, I’ll give him another chance.” even though he cost them their entire multi-generational farmland. His supporters are cultists, they’ll obey anything he says and they’d never blame him.

According to her, she’s commanding God, not asking God to listen. That’s a really big sin, but you know Christians, the rules aren’t made for them to follow, just everyone else.

Has anyone told Trump’s “spiritual advisor” she’s not the fucking pope and doesn’t have any sort of divine power? What gave her the idea that she is some kind of voice of God?

Pence’s press secretary has been confirmed positive for COVID-19. Odds are pretty good shithead there is now infected as well.

Who misses Blockbuster? Do you seriously enjoy having to subscribe to 3-4 different streaming services to watch things? Some movies aren’t even available for streaming, so you either have to pay some 3rd party on Amazon an insane price for a DVD, or just give up. Meanwhile, if we still have rental stores, you could

Denying reality is a pretty big sign that he has a form of mental illness. Good thing he’s allowed to continue to be president!

His base was trigger by not being able to get haircuts. They are the biggest snowflakes in existence.

He doesn’t even need donations, every time a new game launches he gets paid by the publisher to stream their game for a certain period of time.

Christians are allow to pick which commandment they want to follow. Well, not really, they just think they are.

Lying... How very Christian of the idiot.

There’s a layer missing in your description. It’s also about a race of alien beings who bio-engineered humans to be slaves, and could also see into the future and talk to the people in the present day who are using the technology to see into the past, to warn them of things to come. There shouldn’t be any doubt that