Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

And just like that, Jimmy Fallon slips to second place on my list of most punchable people on the planet.

The ugly paint job, the music, overuse of the word “bro” and the dopey “how could this have happened?” look after so many dumb choices.
And this person is an “influencer.”
God help us all.

“no more driving cars like this in the rain.”

Texting is just as bad as if he had been driving and guzzling from a plastic jug of Popov vodka.

At first this seems hilarious but these are the types of assholes that would drive around with no insurance.

Normally I’d laugh, but now I’m worried that Cyberfail drivers will move here to Virginia so they can continue driving their sharp-edged monstrosities.

*Friend, profusely bleeding from multiple points in his head, clearly needs to get to a hospital.*

Jack: Bro, hold my phone and film this!

And then he accelerates. Def not low speed.

Play stupid games, etc.

71 MPH - it’s right there in the beginning of dumbass’s video. Wouldn’t call that “slow speed”!

there doesn’t need to be video evidence of you using your phone for law enforcement to figure out if distracted driving was at play in the lead up to a crash like this

Clearly a danger to society and encouraging more dangerous behavior.

Youtube should ban him immediately. 

Repulsive little twat.

Annnnnd he will buy another one with all the clicks he is about to get.

So he does or doesn’t want kids to have to be in car seats? I’m confused. Also, I hardly think that a car seat is even in the top 10 cost items people really think about when it comes to having kids.

Does he put an ottoman in a car seat for long road trips?

Just going to throw this out there - but Rush was clearly dismissive of government regulation and government warnings. The typical, libertarian, businessman who felt that needless bureaucracy cramped his style.

I wonder where we can find a morally corrupt politician who is willing to take a bribe?”

Bribing... AKA Lobbying