Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

Half of me wants to trade it for a Corolla — not a GR, just a Corolla

So your worst day in 54 years was that you got sick? I don’t know whether to applaud or scold you. Count yourself lucky you haven’t had any actual hardships.

You can’t drive there, mate.

“Became lost while using his GPS"? I read that as "tried to cut across illegally after missing his exit"

Very true. They’re the brown shirts, red maga hats, nazi salute, douche nozzle of the car world.

Still don’t know why aiding and abetting or treason isn’t on the table for whoever or maybe whatever is responsible for the exporting.

And it will make for you tube gold video, when the Cyber Garbage Trucks get stuck or breakdown and are lit up by Ukrainian Drone. Of course frying Chechen Warlords and the “trucks” they road in on is a win win...

Makes it easy to spot the utter twats in our midst.  So they do serve at least one purpose.

Make sure Elon is riding in the bed of one of these pieces of shit.  

Are these the same “super amazing Chechen special forces” that were completely leveled with the ground within 48 hours of invading Ukraine? The ones that promised to take Kiev and instead got completely annihilated? 

At least there are no car washes to deal with

Should be fine as long as there’s no rain, snow, mud, or towing.

*laughs in Hilux*

You make a good point about the batteries.

remember when russia first invaded ukraine and they realized that a failure to do basic maintenance resulted in the tires of all their vehicles to be completely rotted out and thus unable to traverse anything other than a paved road and the highways into Kyiv became a killing field?

CT owners ... Utterly deluded.

I would attempt to induce vomiting before opening the door and then proceed to hurl a pile of puke on their feet.

If they have enough management to spare for home visits and shirk their actual job, sounds like they have too many in management.

If my employer showed up at my door checking if I was actually sick I’d THIS IS SPARTA them off my porch.

If they all got out in a circle they’d just kill each other with friendly fire.