A simple text search for a simpleton. We all know he didn’t do the search, and I don’t doubt that his staff has learned that he doesn’t want all that data stuff ...
A simple text search for a simpleton. We all know he didn’t do the search, and I don’t doubt that his staff has learned that he doesn’t want all that data stuff ...
Need editors?
He is a “founder”, you know.
Worst car I ever owned as an Acura CL Type S. Had the shit transmission that failed. Only time I’ve heard an automatic grind gears. Honda’s off my list. Bad engineering on that one.
Correct ... Tesla.
Correct ... Tesla.
For both PayPal and SpaceX, his $$$ buyin agreements specified that he was to be referred to as a “founder”, even though he came along after both were operating. So, his narcissism fits right in with the incoming administration.
Oh god ... if you were greeted by that hideous mug, you’d turn around. That would put that WalMart out of business!
Is it like light-years?
My third car, 1974 Capri, V6, 4 speed. Not fast by today’s standards, but I had fun with it.
Pounce and Generate ... that fits. Effin’ cops ... too many of them think they are not only “above the law”, they “are” the law. While the truth is too many of them don’t know the laws they pretend to enforce.
Good point. It would be just the incremental emissions from the transportation activity. Hard to measure, even harder to get an EPA estimate for each vehicle owner/operator.
Just have to point out that humans are not “zero-emission” ...
So good we’re all, in our own jurisdictions, spending our tax dollars to have so damn many cops doing nothing but parading.
Schumacher drove because Ferrari wouldn’t let anyone else drive the FXX. The Telegraph reported the next day that a Top Gear spokesman confirmed Schumacher had played the Stig, due to Ferrari only allowing Schumacher to drive the FXX
There were actually 4 ... remember one M. Schumacher?
That makes sense! So, we won’t see any automakers adopting it, since they’re the ones that put the stupid electric door opening mechanisms on in the first place.
I’ll tell you about it when it lands in over 39 years ...
Looks great! That kind of thing (especially a 911) used to be on my wishlist. Now, I’m working on a 27 year old Tahoe that a friend gave me. Great engine, working transmission, working transfer case, clean interior, paint is crap. I’ve repainted the rear doors, now just have to get rid of the orange peel (don’t paint…
Really? “you couldn’t of covered” What you meant was “couldn’t’ve” which is a multiple contraction (is that a thing?) for “could not have” and not “could not of”.