Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

While the thrill of victory is intoxicating, the agony of defeat is devastating.”

This is utterly pointless. And absolutely awesome.

Yeah, I recently had a rental Dodge Avenger where the battery went dead because... something was switched on? Keys were well away from the car at the time. It was weird.

The only car I’ve ever owned where the headlights didn’t turn off after a certain time (usually 30 or 60 seconds) was my 1986 Hyundai Excel.

These hunks of shit can’t survive a car wash

I can give a probable reason why you can’t have auto high beams and fog lights. You aren’t supposed to use high beams in fog. So “technically” you shouldn’t need them both. Now I’ve always liked having fog lights turned on in my older cars because they put more light on the road, even though it’s illegal and I have

Jesus, fuck. That is flat out dangerous. How is this even legal?

These hunks of shit can’t survive a car wash, isn’t this common knowledge by now?

We just called it stupidity. 

At this point, Jalop writers are probably leaving errors in to reassure us they aren’t generative AI. As opposed to before, when they just weren’t being paid enough to care.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Sideshows, Dawin’s contribution to the auto world

a coupe of people

everyone who was down on the ground got back up fairly quickly, which means they probably were too badly hurt.

This is the GOP:

Hell, for that matter you’d think they’d want to ban oil exports entirely.

Today’s Republican party has lost the ability to plan ahead to make the country stronger positioned against the rest of the world.

Regardless of the specific need for this thing, it’s a terrible move to simply brick something like this rather than opening it up for the community who did buy it to repurpose the device, especially since Spotify still exist as a company. (e.g. I can imagine that if they had gone bankrupt that there may not be

Maybe someone who really doesn’t want to take their phone out of their pocket or handbag just to listen to music?

What a shame. They should have kept him long enough to not being able to arrive in time.