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Let him go. Tether him to Hubble. Leave him there.
As usual, the Europeans are right - they are banning this nonsense.
Basic safety items shouldn’t be locked into a screen. Should have a physical button to operate.
That high speed chase must have been oh-so necessary, considering how dangerous they are. It’s amazing that that was not endangering bystanders enough, so they of course had to stop it to literally attack a bystander.
The cop purposefully ran around the rear of his cruiser, taking longer to get to the actual crime he was there to support, just to shove Guss. Then gets sensitive when called a name, and reverses to show how tough he is, still not supporting the officers there for the chase.
The guy that was arrested was backing up the entire time while the cop was the aggressor.
Cops gonna do what cops do.
No amount of athletic prowess excuses breaking laws and putting anyone in danger of very serious injury for your convenience.
Most people who bicycle, especially outside the US, are not hobbyists. They’re people getting groceries, going to work, or headed to a social function.
I would suggest the opposite- Boeing should be immensely proud that nobody was hurt here. As others here have mentioned- in spite of everything against it, poor maintenance, age, etc- all of the engineering and systems worked as they should have in a situation like this.
You know that Boeing doesn’t make the engines, or maintain and operate the aircraft, right? (Of course you do, but where would be the clickbait in that headline, amirite?)
And “thanks” to the rest of those jackasses on the Supremes, they’re certainly the Shifty Secretive Six as they upend precedents with impunity and no check on their lack of ethics. Just turds--all six of them.
Exactly. Clarence has been a known corrupt piece of shit from day one.
True - a single seat isn’t enough, but it’s a step in the right direction.
Sure, someone would be appointed to replace him if he resigned
It means that it hurts Harlan just a bit more. I’m good with that.
Yes, it’s too bad Anita Hill’s testimony back in 1991 didn’t stop this Watch-me-wipe-my-ass-with-the-Constitution judge from getting on the Supremes:
She’s a fucking loon and a horrible person, but she’s not even close to a billionaire.
All John Oliver did, other than point out how horrible Clarence Thomas has always been, is increase his standard of living because now there’s a benchmark for how much he’s “worth”. All Harlan Crow has to do is make sure he’s giving Thomas more than that to keep him happy.
Thomas will leave the court on a stretcher or…