I thought that on this lawless diarrhea factories they just pushed the dead bodies overboard and then blamed the dead person for jumping. Someone must have seen the body before the staff.
It is always interesting to look at it in retrospect. From this vantage point, it almost seems like a series of connected successes. To his credit, many of them were.
But, when you go and do something that means you have to take risks for certain rewards, the fear is there, in that moment. Some people live for that…
Maybe if somebody has such bad PTSD that they think acorns are gunshots and empty their firearm at the sound of an acorn, they shouldn’t be allowed access to firearms?
The flush flap type are pretty terrible in areas prone to ice storms.
I found the lack of stability to the format of The Grand Tour killed all interest I had in the subject. The framework of Top Gear and watching them push at the boundaries of it in clever and very dry, british, ways had to be 70% of the fun for me. The other 20% was personality, and 10% cars.
Rube: I’ll take 50 of the Trump ones. He needs our financial support!
Give immigrants three or four generations to assimilate, then they’ll be a threat to the peace and health of the United States. just look at those German Drumpfs, for example.
Look. China, Russia, North Korea, Iran - you people just don’t get it. Mexico is our true enemy.
In today’s news that should surprise absolutely no one: Immigrants who come here to seek a better life, provide for their families, and just want to be left alone are less of a public threat than a militia of drunk and armed rednecks.
Reminder that in his biggest showing of any election, he won 27.5% of the US adult population.
Gullible Rube “This isn’t what I was told it is.”
Growing up I would have never thought America would fall to a stupid dictator. I was wrong.
I was the school punching bag for 5 years and was so unpopular I did NOT get voted to be the president of the D&D club.
Doesn’t matter, you don’t pull this shit on public roads unless you’re a stupid asshole.
Gas will not get that expensive as long as we have chicken hawk politicians and young soldiers that we can keep tossing into a meat grinder of a war in some poorer country to keep gas cheap for fragile masculinity cursed middle aged men. (snark?)
Thanks to their Magatard CEO, I’d say anything made by Tesla as they depreciate like stones thanks to him cutting the prices in half every so often.
Fictional tracks don’t sue for their piece of the pie.
My neighbor with the aging VW CC will be crushed that he won’t be able to get the closest recent VW to what he has when he’s finally in the market for a new car once his driving privileges are restored.
Considering how few people knew the Arteon existed much less bought one I’m surprised it lasted this long. The four door coupe like the Mercedes CLS and Audi A7 is a thing of the past, erased by the man made horror of the SUV coupes like the BMW X6