Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

They weren’t refusing the money made from it to pay their fees. Seems their outrage is highly selective, I’m sure Jesus would approve of that sort of mix of capitalism and preachiness. He was famous for that sort thing.

If that private organization feels you are doing something that violates your principles..... sorry.

These two (Motormouth)

My first exposure to him was from a video before he became huge and he was just like, awkwardly destroying a PT Cruiser convertible for some reason? Like he was just pouring paint or something on the seats and looking around awkwardly. It was the worst thing I’ve ever seen.

This x 1000. He’s built a successful career out of it and pivoted that popularity towards other businesses, but I CANNOT stand listening to him for more than a minute. Something about his excitement just seems artificial and forced, almost cringeworthy.

Yea, it’s Doug and it’s not even close. How that man has 4.7 million subscribers with insightful comments like, “the theme of this car... is circles. The wheels? Circles. The steering wheel? A circle! And if you look at the gas cap, you will see... yet another circle. Truly the designers had circles on the brain”, is

they do regularly race each other for 19th/18th position...

These days a kid would take a week off from school after a trauma like that.


JFC he’s an idiot - much like 45 he has no idea when to STFU.

Elon (“watch me grind Twitter into the ground!”) Musk is from South Africa. And South Africa is the home of Apartheid:

OK, all you Musk lovers.  Defend this crap.

I’m genuinely torn about how I feel about this story. I love dogs, stealing dogs is fucked up, but buying designer dogs for thousands of dollars is feeding into the system that creates more demand for dogs that are barely hanging onto life. Pugs, frenchies, other designer Brachycephalic dog breeds are literally just

I’m a pacifist by nature; I fully believe in negotiation and calm discussion to resolve issues.

This one. I got this as a rental when my car was in an accident. I drove it to work about 45 minutes away. When I came home, my then girlfriend asked me where the car was. I said, what car? It was so unremarkable that I forgot that I drove it to work and I took bus home. So why do I remember it now? It’s because it

And when they get caught it’s going to be soo much worse for them. It goes from a moving violation to filing a false police report, obstruction of justice, likely attempted insurance fraud, all manner of charges.

99.99% especially since the theft wasn’t reported until after the crash. 

About an hour after the crash, the owner of the vehicle called 911 to report that the car had been stolen sometime in the early morning hours. The owner’s residence was approximately five miles away from the crash scene.

That sign was violatin mah freedom !!!