Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

lol right, kind of like the 4 door Grand Coupe from BMW, like that word doesn’t mean what you think it means.

Runner up to that is the Monaco. How can you even be properly French (or French-adjacent, I suppose) without a working lighter?

Any of these SUVs with the word “sport” in them (i.e. Outlander Sport, Rogue Sport) - they’re not sportier, just smaller

Along the same lines...the Ford Escort?

With enough lube you can get one up there.

Let’s get generic with SUV--sport utility vehicle:

Ford Probe

All American cars that had GT in their name made between the early 70s and 2000s.

Chevrolet Monte Carlo.

The 6th and final generation of the Daewoo/Pontiac LeMans most definitely did not live up to its name, unless you count it as a car you could drive to the 24 Hours of LeMans that would eventually arrive if it didn’t break down along the way. With a blistering 74 hp on tap and a pin-you-to-your-seat 0-60 MPH time of

I got two.

Dodge Dart Swinger.. ah you know what neverminded im not going there.

I am going to go with the most obvious, Porsche using the word Turbo on their EV.

It’s going to be very hard to top this pile of utter filth. 

...until one gets it wrong. Then it becomes trailbreaking.

The Titanic was an ocean liner, too. Its job was to get you across the ocean. It, in of itself, wasn’t a ‘vacation destination’

Hard disagree. When something is objectively harming EVERYONE ON THE PLANET, you’re goddamned right I’m going to tell them to fucking stop.

Come for the onboard rollercoaster, methane emissions, ten thousand people on a ship and the overpriced open bar, stay for the norovirus and covid outbreaks!

Get a norovirus outbreak and it’s more than methane one needs to worry about.

The best part about cruise ships is that it gets the people who would actually go on a cruise ship away from the rest of us.