Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

What is French for “pull a wheelie”?

100% if ANYTHING is a code brown moment that is.  That’s a code brown moment and you know just throw those pants out there is no saving them, socks to, oh and shoes, you know what burn everything you were wearing that day it’s all a lost cause.

ditto, that was not intentional drift.  That was “oh snap! code brown! Turn turn turn!”

Came to say this.  He certainly didn’t have good visibility and only “drifted” when he yanked the wheel to get back into his lane. 

Er... that’s not drifting. That’s losing the back-end when you realize you made a very bad decision and try to save yourself by flooring it.

I am not sure it was drift. He got scared, yank the steering wheel to change lane as quickly as possible and lost the rear. At least this is how I see it on the video.

Well, damn, if you’re really serious about going all in on 90's teal, than you’d best scrounge up some gold badging. But seriously, love the exterior color choice. Just promise you'll not go all leather on the inside. This build needs a cool cloth interior 

The great tragedy is, Oliver’s report was surprisingly (or unsurprisingly) even-handed. He mostly avoided cheap jokes and gave Musk credit where credit was due.

It’s all tied into what I like to call the “Executive as Rock Star Syndrome”.
There was a time not too long ago (to me, but I’m old) where by and large, most people didn’t know or care who the CEO of any company was. Sure, they knew who William Hewlett and David Packard were. But they also pretty much flew under the

Well it was pretty much ALL news and press people treated him like that. Especially in the early Tesla days. IT was like he could do no wrong.

For the supposed genius that Elon is, he quite easily fell into Oliver’s trap. Oliver (and his writers who he gives immense credit to*) were obviously baiting him into responding the exact way he did.

What does Elon know about great humor?

Then again, Elon brought us the Cybertruck, which is about as big a joke as I can imagine...

Musk is so detached from reality. Says “great humor requires revealed truth”, yet criticizes John Oliver of not being funny when Oliver *reveals the truth* about him.

Musk definitely has a Jesus complex, where he thinks anything he thinks or does is automatically right and amazing. But to the rest of us that live in reality, he is, most certainly, not.

Then you are "cruise people" and I wish you a pleasant voyage. Our vacations involve getting away from people and being in nature so the exact opposite of a ship full of people.  

Every time I see a TV ad or an article about these self propelled resorts I scratch my head and wonder what the attraction is. On the plus side, the more tourists that get sucked onto these, the fewer tourists where I want go.

Elon telling us how comedy works seems about as useful as a toddler telling us which Medicare plan one should use.

More like Icon of Disease, amirite?

I mean That cruise ship, hell yea I’d go on that! I have a small carbon footprint in general, so I can use my carbon credits on this. Next Disney would make a cruise ship called the Star Destroyer and will encompass the size of Rhode Island.