Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

Classic “Mag” wheels. Never really liked them ...

Actually, they have “Mag” styled wheel discs ...

I respect the Torch just for doing something, and not just letting the light hang down like so many others on the roads! Huzzah!

Took a bunch of brake discs, broken aluminum ladders and other “stuff” to the scrapyard. Got about $4, not even worth the fuel. When I had more to get rid of, I noticed that the recycling bins specifically said “No scrap metal”. I put a notice in Facebook Marketplace and some very nice people came and got it.

Immediately what I thought of too!

First car was a 1966 Pontiac Catalina (big car, two doors) and second was a 1968 Ford LTD (bought from parents who got it from grandparents who bought it new ... it had A/C!).

If this was the only choice:

LOVE that song!

Thank you. All through their childhood, we would get compliments on how they behaved. My answer: I treated them with respect, just as I would any adult. Of course there was discipline, but if I made a mistake, I apologized. If I asked them a question, I listened to their answer. I think this taught them to treat

My kids are grown, so I can see my own personal mistakes now ... ;-)

Several years ago, I was watching an ALMS race and I realized that Corvettes were actually pretty damn good cars! That was in the C6 era. I’ll probably not ever be able to get one, but I would consider a C6 or later.

So your question got me curious and my god, American cars in 1958 were butt-ugly! After scanning the pictures, eventually I found this:

That sums up exactly how I feel today. So disappointed in a large swath of the American voting populace. I never understood it 4 years ago, and it’s even more incomprehensible now.

Our cat used to open any interior door she wanted, unless we locked it. This led to us installing locking door levers on rooms where we wanted to keep her in.

My kids still laugh at how I had them meet at the light pole outside our house during a fire drill. Hey! We never lost anyone! (Never had a fire, fortunately.)

That mean we’re both old!

Exactly. If I do find mushrooms on my pizza, I just pull them off (it’s a texture thing). One thing I do have to be careful of is asparagus. It can be hidden in things and I will vomit if I taste it.

I’m with you on the lima beans! Couldn’t stand those things.

I got these for my birthday, and they’ve been great. Easy to setup, automatically update, can setup in the house and then put them anywhere.

I got these for my birthday, and they’ve been great. Easy to setup, automatically update, can setup in the house and

I was thinking the headline was a bit late ...