Torch, I’m beginning to think you should open a window in your basement. Just so you get enough air that you can keep presenting these historic facts!
Torch, I’m beginning to think you should open a window in your basement. Just so you get enough air that you can keep presenting these historic facts!
TL;DR;ND that thing is hideous!
I have to think the reason you were faster on the second go was you didn’t honk the horn, thus leaving every bit of the energy for the motor!
Unless your initials are A. Z. Then go ahead, all four off, pass your competitor, win the race!
I’m just glad that, for now, none of it is going to Peacock like the EPL.
I know that, but the example he gave was not.
Okay, but the first “want” on the list is 4WD ... you failed.
I didn’t notice them until your comment ... thanks ... now they bother me too!
Me too, but it’s uphill both ways and in the snow.
Replaced a transmission in a Tahoe on my driveway ... I felt your pain.
According to this article, there are 39 Springfields in the U.S., 11 in Ohio alone!
Maybe they need to be like Bugatti and have Michelin make some bespoke tyres for their extreme-mobile!
Agreed ... not sure what I “should” have done, but it sure as hell wasn’t what I have done ...
Same for me. No captcha required. Same for me ... on this pig.
Sounds like a ominous warning ...
I always thought those things looked like parts-bin specials. Like Lexus just looked in the tail light parts bin at Auto Zone and stuck some lights inside a housing.
For years I used butter (the more the better) but the last few years, with fresh corn, it needs nothing. Maybe some salt and pepper, but I don’t always remember that. And as long as my dental situation allows, eat it off the cob!
Completely agree! And I like your comparison of the new 4 series ... didn’t realize before that is it’s natural spirit animal.
Remember, words matter; so use the right ones.