Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

I avoid it if it can.

Didn’t watch the video, the article itself covered what really happened.

Okay ... they didn’t “respray” the car, they hydrodipped it. It wasn’t a “dumpster full of paint”, it was a dumpster full of water with a film of paint on the top. Boy, this was nothing like the headline said it was going to be. I wondered how having a “dumpster full of paint” was going to lead to spraying.

Same for us. We had an Edge for 10 years, then moved up to a Flex. As our grandchildren count increased, we needed more hauling room. Loved our Edge, very few problems, and so far our Flex is great.

No fooling. That’s why it’s about time they reverse the whole “military to police” laws. Police do not need military assets.

Just like auto racing, that BearCat should have stickers to let everyone know which corporations the officers have sworn “To Protect and Serve”.

Well, he just did a road trip with David Tracy ... so ... no.

Not sure about Craftsman at Lowe’s ... I think it’s the same. I know Husky at Home Depot has been actively promoting their lifetime warranty. I’ve used it a couple of times with no problem.

That’s why I tried it, and was completely disappointed. Stick with butter.

Not as far as I know.

Thank you. I couldn’t remember a V-8 ever offered in an Acura.

From the article: “Depending on your car, that will either involve pulling up the lever or pressing the pedal until your car comes to a complete stop.” 

Honestly, that’s a better name for his kid!

Now playing

Highly recommend this version. Paula Cole makes her debut in a world tour.

Completely agree. I will no longer visit those places. That IS NOT chili!

That had me literally LOLing. That’s how I feel about it. After I moved to Cincinnati, I remembered seeing a TV show that featured their “chili” on spaghetti. Couldn’t believe it!

And you’re still alive to tell about it (not a fan of the brown meat sauce in Cincinnati)?

Have it go to the top of the next page when you click on that.

There is a form that you file with the DMV that states you sold it with the mileage. I think it also includes the buyer’s name.