Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

Being from California and now in Ohio, it was strange when I sold a vehicle and had to keep the plates. I didn’t have another vehicle to put them on, so I had to cancel them and the state had to issue new ones to the buyer. It makes no sense to me. Issue plates when a vehicle is first sold and then they stay with the

Trust me, a fiberglass shell on a full-size truck is not a one person switch.

But with Torch’s “design”, you need both ends to open as tailgate/shell window. That makes the whole design weaker and provides another potential point of failure.

I don’t know if this counts, but isn’t the head of the company in his family?

It was a deal breaker on our last home purchase. Never again.

 Marko should be fired for a lot of things.

That’s exactly how I feel about my Audi 2.0T. It’s going to fail someday, just waiting for when. Then, do I get a junkyard engine and fix what goes wrong?

“It’s been a number of years but it’s likely U-Haul still won’t rent you a trailer if you show up with one of these.”

But then how, exactly, is one supposed to: “radiate more openness and clarity”. 

Now playing

From the article: “I think she’s really underestimating the sheer lack of fucks that F1 gives”. Is this F1's new theme song?

Can we just go with a “David” then?

I hope for the best for Ryan Newman, but I agree. Why is it acceptable to push another race car, at those speeds, as a tactic? Never mind all the rules changes that Napcar makes to hopefully generate this “excitement”, as Super Nintendo Chalmers supports the GMG Union discusses below.

The summer before my freshman year in high school, I went down to LA with my dad on a business trip. One day, he was going to be very busy so he dropped me off at Disneyland in the morning and I didn’t see him until the end of his workday.

Oh boy, does this one hit home!

Same here. Bond? No. But I did learn a lot about how to work on “things”, including cars. Also, learned how to cuss.

He is also a Jalop, and is constantly talking negative about GM. He used to live on a block with a lot of GM employees and had to be careful what he said to keep the neighborhood peace!

I liked your comment and shared it with a friend. He pointed out that zero is an integer. From mathisfun.com:

Sounds like a truck to me. I learned to drive in a 1974 Suburban with a 454. Trust me, it’s a truck. Screw this “SUV” nomenclature, that’s just a way for people living in the suburbs to feel better about driving a truck.

I was thinking “the ‘art’ is cute and all, but lubricate the damn wheels!”

She probably bought it from a dealer that put one of those “Sporty” stickers on the windshield.