Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

You said, “And because it’s lower to the ground than most modern cars and SUVs, you feel instantly more connected to the road.” Did you in fact mean it was “grounded to the ground”? 

BTW, your dad called - he wants his jokes back ...

That’s why I always loved Richard Hammond’s stupid dyno test of his GT 350 and marking down the horsepower. He also didn’t allow for the drivetrain losses.

Looks like it was built with an Erector set.

TL;DR;CP Had a Solara rental for a week, total POS.

Yep. Last new car I will buy.

Last new vehicle I bought was a 2005 M3. Hasn’t been a BMW since then that I would waste my money on.

So, all FOUR sides of the T3 fold down?

Back in 2004, when I flew a lot, I was pulled aside in the 70% - 80% range. Finally, an agent at the airline gave me a long printout that gave me a number at TSA to call. After waiting on hold for 30 minutes, I was told to provide a notarized copy of my birth certificate, driver’s license, and passport. They said my


Dont you mean you “would of”?

Now playing

Actually, I think you’ll find its a moo point.

For once, I agree with Lucy!

Well come on now, is there “really” any “world” outside of Amurrika?

Let’s see if I can remember this from a former colleague who worked at UPS:

But, if I’m just going to sell it, why would I clean it up?

Seriously, you don’t want to know.

Close, but bucket seats make it the “higher” model ...

Thats just wrong, and I dont agree with that position. Its just a further example of the dumbing down of the world!

Sorry, but “shan’t” should have an apostrophe. ;-)