Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

Accountants do not make the decisions on design, they just tell the designers/engineers how much it will cost. Some designer/engineer made the decision on that one.

Accountants do not make the decisions on design, they just tell the designers/engineers how much it will cost. Some designer/engineer made the decision on that one.

Literally LOL at work!

I think you meant yump.

I don't have one, but I understand "It's a Jeep thing ... you wouldn't understand."


I remember looking forward to the U.S. going on the metric system when I was in grade school (yes, I'm that old) but it never happened. Stupid, stupid people. I worked with a woman that didn't like the metric system because 'Murica or something ...

Distances and speed in the UK are in miles.

So nice to find someone else that agrees with me on this. The 8C was no better ...

Beat me to it. Years ago, I worked with a guy that grew up on an almond farm ... he told me that same joke ...

In college, I worked in a shoe store. Primarily in the men's section, but occasionally in the women's. Some of the older ladies were certain of their size, and squeezed their feet into such small shoes it was amazing they could even walk!

When I had to wear ties, we used to joke about how they (the man) made us wear ties to cut down on the oxygen getting to our brains so we didn't know how bad it was ...

Gotta give you that one ...

Thank you for summing up my opinion on this ...

No, Chrysler produced these things ... VW just sold them ...

Very good!

Your examples are a bit much, no? Either would not be appropriate. I do wear suits when they are socially appropriate (have you been reading?), I just don't like them and wish the social convention that requires them would go away. Just a personal preference. I doubt I'll ever get that in this lifetime, but a boy can

That's a good rationale, but you're not going to sell me. I don't need to wear certain clothes to impress or tell the world how well off I am. How expensive they are is just a sign to me of how much money had to be tossed to get them. I realize I'm in the minority, it's just a frustration of mine. It would be a

Go for it! My wife likes how I look in a suit and tie, but I'm so uncomfortable and hot (run very hot, like an old Ford), that I can't stand them. I wore a suit for my children's weddings, and recent funerals, but I hate them for interviews, especially when the company itself doesn't wear them.

No ... wear whatever you want. Just don't force your style expectations on everyone else. I hate suits, ties, and anything like that. I like to dress comfortably, and don't understand why they are still worn. I don't care what others wear. You want to wear a suit and tie, go for it. I'd just rather the societal norms