Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

I will give you those ... I just wish we as a society could move past them as useless. I've never figured out how knotting a strip of cloth makes me a better person, employee, or anything. And adding a little wad of cloth to the pocket of my useless, uncomfortable coat makes even less sense.

Minor point ... people paying attention to something like that? Get real.

They look as useful as a tie! Why would you want one of these (or a tie)?

Drive a Focus in Scotland for two weeks ... manual transmission, narrow twisty roads, wet weather. Did surprisingly well.

Done. That was the only manual transmission car my high school had for driver training. Learned how to shift in that, and haven't touched one since ('76 grad ...)

I bought a used VW CC. The original owner had gotten "every available option", and there are still blanks. I know what some of them would do in Europe, but some are still a mystery!

So ... you're in on the ground floor in your family!

Just saw ... should be "... and it's NOW on it's second ..."

When our first grandchild was on the way, my wife and I came across a Recaro child seat. There was no question, we bought it right away, and it's not on it's second granddaughter! The oldest (5) helps her dad work on the car by pressing the trigger on the electric impact gun to remove nuts. We're raising them right!

Considering how often you don't wear pants, I've never thought of you as a "baggy asshole". Don't be so down on yourself!

Excellent video! Learned something about my square as well!

Please review:

I've felt that for a long time just because of the radar detector issue. Have no desire to ever go to Virginia.

Nope ... just two pictures on the home page. It's gone!

Very good. Let us know if you get a reply!

I like to think the model doesn't know what a 911 is ... "Wait, am I at the front of the car, the engine is in here!"

Is he trying to put that in the trunk of his 911? You know, the one in back where the engine is?

That's just mean! Funny, but mean.

I'm going to hear that all afternoon! "Get fxxk outta my car" over and over ...

Starred for "First Opium War" reference!