Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

Worse than an Aztek ...

If I'm going to get Chris' battery tender, I'll need his address ...

Yes. Same year range basically.

As a much bigger added bonus, the turbos have a different engine that doesn't have the IMS problem.

I know of at least one person that knew of them. And if you were into BMWs, you probably would have as they have been featured in several magazines, so no, not unknown.

Hartge is a well-known tuner of cars in Germany.

That's because you grabbed two packs of sporks at the condiment bar .... ;-)

I am impressed ...

Their nuts?

After certain foods, some say I have a big ass-gun ...

It's okay. I know what you meant ...

Depends on if they're vinyl, magnetic, or true painted on.

How did your dog "park" from the window? Was it remote control? ;-)

But the stickers add hp!

Obvious color was obviously forgotten ...

Overpriced diesel off-road racing Miatas ... with manual transmissions!

Oh, you use the red stuff!

Now that is dedication to the craft! (the farting ...)

Very nice! I saved that one.