Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

To anyone asking for Rod's letter to be posted ... one word: ATTORNEY!

Don't get wrapped up in details ...

I realize they're electric, but I would have rather had the motor noise than that music!

Not entirely. The debtor has some control over what gets paid. In the bankruptcy I went through (with my employer), I was one of three people authorized to approve payments in circumstances. The debtor also files various motions to get approval to make certain payments, like to employees, retirement contributions,

Actually, once you file, the accounts are all frozen automatically. It takes an action by the court to unfreeze the money.

Finally a voice of reason. How about NOT driving through a crowd of people. Just because they are in the street you have the right to run through the crowd? Whether you like it or not, they are in the street (the reason doesn't matter), so either sit and be patient, or go around like several other cars in the video.

Is that what "WTF" stands for?

Had a 2004 Forester XT, worst automatic transmission I've ever experienced, lousy climate control. If you approached a signal and it turned green as you got to the intersection, prepare for a long wait as the turbo spooled up and the transmission discussed what gear to use with the climate control, ultimately deciding

The Toyota 2000GT is merely an ugly, under-powered (150 hp), 1961 Jaguar E-Type (255 hp) knockoff.

Holy crap! You hear that little starter going and then, BLAM, amazing shrieking noise!

Donuts are not glorious. Vettel, and any other professional race driver, looks bush league doing donuts .... (flame suit on)

I wish I was rich enough to be told what to buy ...

And watch how he uses his "credentials" to bother the drivers in their advertisement suits.

My favorite line: "How can someone so adept at trolling understand the Internet so little?" Sums up Bernie and the internet in one sentence!

Don't even mention that K woman in the same sentence as a lady.

I'm going for commentary ...

Bad Tavarish! Bad Tavarish! Something in this vintage will be my next vehicle, and I don't need people like you driving up the price and making them even more scarce!

I was thinking of the trucks in this article. I had two Rangers. Loved them both. Good size for most things. Now, I have a F250 4x4 diesel crew cab as a Ranger can't pull a fifth wheel. Best truck I've ever had!

You do realize none of these were made in the U.S.?

A lever to be adjusted! (It says so on the sticker ...) ;-)