
"Europeans are genetically predisposed to "nonviolence..."

I'm having difficulty reconciling the idea of Europeans being non-violent with pretty much the entire history of Europe.

Rather, it reflects that events over the last several days have reinforced for us that the LGBT Sports Coalition is defining itself in ways that do not accommodate our theory of change.

Three millennia of baking hasn't produced a live unicorn, either, because that outcome is impossible and was never the goal of baking. Likewise, philosophy does not seek "consensus answers," and no such answers are possible on the issues you list. Like NdGT, you're making a category mistake which reinforces

The notion that belief in the Bible and acceptance of evolution are in any way reconcilable is mistaken. Regardless of how you interpret the text, the Bible indisputably paints humanity as the ultimate object of God's design. Consequently, even the most diplomatic form of theistic evolution addresses biological

Your Catholic teachers would also tell you that Adam and Eve were real. They wouldn't deny the existence of other species of hominins, or of evolution in general, but they would be obliged to tell you that there were two first true human beings - it's doctrine.

Let's assume Kurtzman was the hack of the pair and wish Orci well. I'd like to submit some advice on the next Trek and I invite people to add on tips in the comments. Godspeed, and don't let us down...

This is why we can't have more female directors. There are too many inexperienced men who have to go first.

Yeah, but what kind of defense is "well, I sucked the least"?

Jack Paglan ("Transcendence") did the original. Michael Green ("Green Lantern") is doing touchups. Green Lantern sucked, but I don't think because of script reasons.

I like big butter and I cannot lie


I still say expensive potato chips cause wheelchair mishaps and margarine causes divorce. Lord knows, if my husband bought margarine, it'd be over.

For having Dan Harmon back, I thought season 5 was kinda hit and miss, too. I think if they only lost Chevy Chase this season it might have been ok, but losing Donald Glover, too, was too much. It definitely wasn't the same without him. I would have liked another season (and a movie) but I'm not gnashing my teeth

Hopefully this means NBC will replace it with some middle-of-the-road family sitcom or amateurs-trying-to-get-into-showbiz competition show.

Of course! And specific individuals do have a lot to answer for in terms of how we got here and where we're going.

I never said he was stupid. I said he's an immature, tantrum-throwing, bloviating cartoon of a person.

I feel you bro, 2 minutes is not nearly enough.

apparently those masks don't actually protect you very much from getting sick from other people. They do however DRAMATICALLY decrease transmission rates if people who are sick wear them.