
No. Colonialism has rarely been about relocating surplus population - the vast majority of the time, it's about resource exploitation. If there are people already living there whom you can easily enslave to harvest those resources for you, all the better.

"Well, looks like I'm vindicated at last!"

Missed those references since I still watch TV on a Trinitron unless I squinted. I liked this episode, but Community's GI Joe episode made it to air first, while this episode was still in production. Too bad the actual Simpsons Legos look stoned.

I do too. I love PE, but without his screeching attention-seeking, they would be twice as good, imo.

So instead of merely thinking, like a "fledgling intellectual college freshman", you instead "applied [your] cognitive analytical abilities" and determined he was pretentious, did you? I don't know what's more impressive, your formidable cognitive analytical abilities, or your cognitive dissonance abilities.

Oh for sure. But that's the thing, we like to move the goalposts around when it suits us or come up with any number of justifications, and like you mentioned above, they're not necessarily unreasonable.

My interest in rap is pretty much limited to Rhymenocerous and the Hiphopopotamus (who would be at the top of this chart, since his lyrics are bottomless).

Serkis is obviously playing the now aged Jar Jar Binks who, having had his heart broken by his beloved "Annie" going evil, has spent the last several decades wandering the galaxy like Caine from "Kung Fu" and become a bad-ass warrior who's finally learned Basic and imparts wisdom alongside ass-licking of soldiers.

I don't know where you get the idea that morality is chaos. Morality has become increasingly logical over the millennia as people have become more sophisticated. Kohlberg was comparing moral logic to the cognitive development that Piaget studied. I think part of it may have been that if you want to teach moral logic

But a lot of holy texts *do* have advice about what to eat, what to drink, various states of clean and unclean.

I used to be religious. I'm not now. It is because people are willing to discuss these things that allow other people to realize their own doubts, and lines of thought that they had previously ignored.

When I had my first child I went in asking for a revised vaccination schedule. I was fine with vaccines, I just didn't want so many pokes in one visit. I was told no, everyone stays on the same schedule. It hurt, to be shut down so emphatically.

So much this. I don't understand how people can overlook the cold fusion part that freezes something. That's a fine moment to walk out the cinema.

By that logic, McDonalds serves GREAT food because they've sold billions upon billions of hamburgers. You can love the NuTrek movies. I can hate them. It's not "stylish" to dislike something you like. It's insulting to be told that I dislike something just cuz it's "stylish" to do so.

If "revitalizing" is what we're calling it. I thought the first one that was good (for straight popcorn munching anyway), but honestly I don't think these are perpetuating Trek so much as milking the name. These characters don't really resonate with the ethos of Trek much either, so I'm not sure what Orci has to

Someone else on either gawker or jezebel or io9 wrote a really great point and I'm going to plagiarize it here: rape is different.

I think the Jaime/Cersei thing is also part of a disturbing pattern. In part of a great comment on an o-deck thread, artiofab puts it absolutely wonderfully:

They're using it to demean the term. They're saying that it's "only" faith, because even our proof is refutable.

Doesn't Ken Ham run the Creationist Museum? That has dinosaurs in it? That are almost specifically designed to draw in children and indoctrinate them?