
"... the smallest thing known (at that time) in the universe", perhaps? As for quarks, are they really "things", or just mathematical constructs we use in Quantum to account for {Protons and Neutrons, Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces} -> QCD? QCD says that a solitary Quark is disallowed/unobservable.

Yeah, pretty sure because it's clear to them which way the vapor's blowing.

My thoughts exactly. I've heard that Golden Eye is a good James Bond game for N64. That is the only one I can think of.

It was nothing like the movie!

Very quaint answers, everyone. However:

Superman 64 of course

Who pissed in your cheerios?

Also, when did I write an article about global warming?

It's demeaning to science when you ignore the evidence that animals have the same centers of the brain that regulate emotion, and show clear emotional response to stress and pleasure. It's also DANGEROUS to assume that animals SHOW emotion in the same way we do. As in the tiger story...we can rightfully assume that

I can't imagine how joyless your life must be. Hey look, my dog is wagging his tail and acting excited when I get home! FUCK HIM HE'S JUST ACTING ON CHEMICAL AND INSTINCTUAL TRIGGERS.

You just sounded like one of those people who hates public healthcare and wants to basically get rid of taxes if not government in general, an all too common thing I've discovered. Forgive the perhaps knee jerk reaction to what sounded like a common argument used by libertarians.

That doesn't really solve the fundamental problem. What you would need is socialized pharmaceutical research and development which would end up a political minefield when deciding what to research and what to develop.

Unfortunately, I don't think Hep C is common enough for the economies of scale to bring the price down too much. According to the CDC (http://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/c/cf…) only about 15k people die of Hep C each year in the US, with maybe 4 times as many getting cirrhosis and not dying. That's only about 75k potential

#shrug Presumably, costs will go down over time. I'm a bit of a leftie on most issues, but I find it hard to get upset about the cost in itself — rather, I think that 1) there should be ongoing research to find ways to get that cost down, and this research should be encouraged — amongst other parties — by the

Well, another reason might be that the U.S. is one of the largest countries on the planet, no?

That nonsense falls under a whole other category of eccentricity.

"I see more evidence in what science finds pointing to a Creator then I do all the "theoretical" things science claims. Until your views of big bang...etc are not called a theory, you have no ground either."

There is the Cochrane Collaboration Review, THEY ARE FUNDED BY NO OUTSIDE INTEREST. They say the MMR vaccine is effective and safe. Because my god, for a bunch of people who keep bleating over independent studies, you guys are incredibly bad at Googling.

Erm... Spoiler alert! Jeez! X

"In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret, a master ring, to control all others. And into this ring he poured all his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life. One ring to rule them all."