
Meh. By now, it's just 90Sr and 137Cs. (Okay, maybe that sentence merits some scare quotes: "just" 90Sr and 137Cs. They are two isotopes from the Do Not Fool With list.) The Europeans and Japanese deal with them by casting them into glass— "vitrification"— which immobilizes them for geological lengths of time.

He's not representative of 1940s America - he's a representative of the American ideals of the 1940s. The same ideals that rallied the nation around the idea of fighting the Nazis because they were murderous, racist scumbags while still turning a blind eye to Jim Crow laws and lynchings back home.

They still put prizes in them, I think the only prize you get today is diabetes.

Now playing

But Street Fighter gave us this awesome scene. Prometheus gave us NOTHING.

To which HBO co-president Richard Plepler added, "We told [author George R.R. Martin] we'd go as long as he keeps writing."

And there are good solid people on both sides of the aisle.

It is not the case that both sides do it equally. The GOP is staking a special claim to science illiteracy, saying everything will be all right if you just believe in the Invisible Hand of Free Market Jesus.

NOOOOOWWW I get it. Ok Dialling. You have three choices. So you pick door number 1. Monty can't open the door to the car so he HAS to open number 2.

I think it was an episode of QI that I'd heard that ironically, more boxers died from head injuries after moving from bare knuckle to gloved fighting, because the one punching now didn't have to hold back for fear of injuring himself.

It's also worth noting that whales are pretty slow-breeding animals. Whaling has to be watched carefully and limited pretty well to ensure the animals don't get put at risk for endangered.

Never said anything about exclusivity, only that I prefer one over the other.

The article doesn't seem to really address the question in the title, but I'll give it a crack.

Yeah, this article translates (to me) as, "Nations in Sub-Saharan Africa and other poor countries will continue to endure famines and other ecological disasters as they have been. Carry on."

Damn. When I was a kid in the 1970s, reading science fiction, I thought I might grow up to live in a world like that described by Arthur C. Clarke, not like one described by John Brunner.

Hmmm yes, perhaps if we weren't wasting so much water growing corn for Biofuels we'd be in better shape.

I like the take that the film is a form of Midrashic commentary, and one that suggests a debate rather than a prescription. Instead of a role model, Noah can also be a negative example, and here's how. I was at a Seder once where the discussion veered into whether Moses was someone to actually look up to, or if he

I cannot believe how much this not very flattering review makes me want to see this movie that I previously had no interest either way in. It sounds so bizarre and stupidly through provoking at the same time

Simpsons Futurama did it!

"Science guy finds mystery goo and immediately decides it will cure his disease for no good reason and with no support for that idea" seems about par for the course as far as Prometheus characters go. I'm sure nothing will go wong!

But it's not a rationally poor decision. This is where economists go wrong. The reason is that transactions don't occur in isolation. Certainly it may seem better to accept a 10% split than nothing at all, but ostracizing and shaming an asshole not only may have a better emotional payoff, but also help to restrain