...People still say trollop?
...People still say trollop?
That was Marlon Brando. But yeah, it was awesome.
Surely drinking habits play a part? I don't know many old people who drink like the young people I know.
You can't even pull out? That's crazy. Does that mean Catholics can't (read: technically aren't supposed to) have any non-procreative sex?
Or I deliberately interpreted your comment in a different way? I understand the purpose of adverts on websites.
Relevantly, I watched 'Thelma and Louise' yesterday. Couldn't really understand why that truck driver actually thought he'd successfully seduced them.
Selling you shit you don't need? If I need something, I don't need an advert to tell me. I've never (and I mean never) bought something on the basis of an advert and yet my life is just fine.
"The public has always demanded a certain level of access into the lives of the famous, but fortunately, for most of us, there is an implicit understanding of just how much access is actually reasonable."
I agree.
It might be for a terrible reason but it does kind of make sense if you think about the good reasons i.e. one woman did actually have an implant rupture during a fight and that sounds pretty rough. There are probably a whole bunch of medical conditions that would prevent you competing in professional blood sports.
I loved how the person who made the second comment (by the person from Albany) watched the whole show, just to make sure that they could complain properly about the entire thing.
Cool, thanks. *adds book to list of things to buy when I get some money*
A bit of googling suggests it is more common. And given how rarely transgender people are covered in the media at all, possibly explains some of it.
Do people here think trans men or trans women get more attention in the media? Positive (neutral) or negative. Now I come to think of it, most of the examples I can think of are trans women. Not that my memory is exhaustive.
They've changed the language again to "the girl who endured sexual assault to get her BlackBerry back".
Well it's a different country but all three of your numbered points are untrue in the UK. And have been since at least 2003. And it doesn't rely on force either, it's a consent-based law.
Fraternities/sororities just sound terrible. Don't really see the need for them.
Because if this man had tried to ordain a woman, he'd be excommunicated before you could blink. But oppress women and prevent them from getting an education? Sure, go right ahead. That's of no concern.