―Vladimir Lenin
―Vladimir Lenin
LGBT people do not need lectures on misogyny from rich cishet white women, thank you very much. Dan Savage has also discussed the active role women have taken in acts of violence against LGBT people, so yeah the day a gay man’s comments cause a white lady to get MURDERED I will shed a tear for your privileged bull…
You know what gets me? That whole “A Few Bad Apples” defense? It forgets the next like “A few bad apples... spoil the whole bunch.”. These departments, a LOT of departments, need to have a whole house cleaning, down to the fucking floor boards. Rip out all the training material. Rip out the senior officers. Start it…
Listen, fellow white person: That kid is amazing. He was NOT disrespectful. He framed his journal entry in terms of what HE wanted. He did not curse or call the teacher names. He expressed his honest reaction. In his journal. Which is what a journal is for.
I feel like (white) feminist spaces don’t talk about how, by sleeping with/marrying/having kids with racists and bigots, those women are essentially rewarding those dudes despite them being horrible. I don’t think women are responsible for their boyfriend’s/husband’s opinions but staying with them is sure as fuck not…
White women, put your money where your mouth is. Since you are the most “coveted” by men, and hold the most ‘pussy power’, you need to use that power to voice and enact change.
When 96% of white women vote against racism and white supremacy, I will call them warriors too. Until then y’all got a lot of work to do.
i truly dont understand it. i will always stand with women even when they wont stand with me.
I disagree slightly.
I see the resident rape apologist is out and already starred. Fantastic. Here’s why I don’t buy that men “don’t understand what’s going on with women”: because it’s bullshit. There have been multiple studies that have proven over and over again that men do understand body language and non-verbal cues, they just choose…
You conveniently skipped over the immediate previous, and most important sentence: “My opinion is that I should shut the fuck up.” Those last six words should be a straight up mantra for you. You can’t honestly believe what he wrote can be paraphrased as he is incapable of ever knowing how any woman feels in a…
I’d like to take this time to talk about Thomas Jefferson being trash. Sally Hemings was his dead wife’s 14 year old half sister who looked nearly identical to her and who was part of his inheritance from his father in law. She was away from home and though technically free in Paris, was fully at the mercy of the of…
“Also, conversations like this are why I like my German flatmate progressively less every time we have them.”
I had an interesting thought yesterday and this article reminded me of it.
I feel like the one silver lining on this shit-filled cloud is that more and more everyday Americans are becoming aware of these sorts of things.
Thanks for this. Not that everything else that we’ve been fighting against with this administration isn’t important, but we’re talking lifetime appointments here and the unprecedented politicization of what should be an independent branch of government. The Supreme Court only hears a small number of important cases,…
I hate to resort to capitals, but a quick note to Bannon, McConnell, Trump and the rest:
Or, maybe, the way she gets through every day is by telling herself that those past assaults happened because she did X,Y,Z and as long as she never makes those mistakes again she’ll be OK.