I grew up in Allen County, Ohio. I lived in the county seat of Lima and attended school in the village of Elida. The…
I grew up in Allen County, Ohio. I lived in the county seat of Lima and attended school in the village of Elida. The…
I gave up having male mentors because they’d mistake or “mistake” my intentions as romantic. Except one guy. He was gay.
I work in the same building as Franken, and honestly, yes this is really bad, yes, this is a #metoo story, yes he deserves to be held accountable, but there are degrees, and this happened before he was in the senate, when he was in the comedy world. Now, there’s a reason I’m bringing all of these things up and it’s…
A NSFW card game is getting into a land war with an insane former reality show host who is now the President of the United States, and said President is possibly being blackmailed by a hostile foreign government with a pee tape. JFC.
The Louis CK story alone gives a whole new spin on his line about “How do women still go out with guys, when you consider that there is no greater threat to women than men? We’re the number one threat to women!”
Wait, I think I get it. Calling yourself trash is how men deal with the fact that they actually like patriarchy and misogyny because it benefits them. So they show shame and that covers up for the fact that they still want dominance. If you say “I’m trash” and do a little performative feminism, you can avoid changing…
Trump’s election finally got me into serious activism (first time post-college). I started showing up, keeping a low profile, and listening more than I talked. I wanted to defer to the people in charge because, y’know, clearly they had more experience than me.
This is a bullshit misinterpretation of Paul’s position, and frankly, it shows just how dishonest you libs are.
It seems like so many men think that if they don’t have a burning, all-consuming hatred for women in the forefront of their conscious brains, that this automatically means that they respect women. Like, if they don’t actually think the words “what a fucking cunt” they are okay.
As someone who doesn’t love talking about personal stuff, I can empathize with Uma Thurman not being ready to discuss this right now. Especially when this was all well known and nobody gave af for decades and now people are ready to listen. No, I’m not going to be open on your arbitrary timetable.
We all appreciate donations to PP, but please remember the dozens of independent care providers who *also* need out help. Many of these are the *only* clinics available for neaeby populations, and they ALSO need our financial support.
“Must be nice to have such powerful, rich and well-connected parents. I’m sure Ronan appreciates his privileges.”
“Perhaps not. But that résumé also couldn’t be achieved without any privilege to begin with.”
I’m a black, disabled, queer woman from the south and I don’t resent a fucking to-the-manor-born journalist one bit. He hasn’t taken a thing from me and, with this gig, has given so very much back to me. Hush.
“You’re not in the gay community, you’re in the creep community! Go celebrate creep pride and throw a little creep parade.”
Adults have ruined Halloween. There, I said it. And fyi to the costumed parents who come to my door with their kids expecting candy: I’m going to be taking candy from you dimwitted poseurs. Get some dignity, put tennis shoes on with your work clothes and reluctantly walk your kids around the neighborhood, staying at…
Let’s not attack the victim here. Let’s recognize that he remains, as a consequence of his abusive childhood, at the stunted emotional development of a young child. Let’s place the blame for his immaturity and inability to recognize other victims where it belongs on his attackers and his parents and everyone who…
As you say,
I’m so glad that they refused to join a task force. Task forces and commissions have always been a way to trick people into believing that something is being done. I can’t tell you how many accounts of people who quit because their hands were tied on those boards.
Who would have thought that Quentin Tarantino would be the first person to admit he knew Weinstein was crossing the line and he should have been a better person and not worked with him?