
Around five years ago, I was a TA for an undergraduate literature course that had 300 students; there were two TAs and our job was mostly to do grading (sigh) and hand out exams and set up PowerPoints and stuff of that nature. Basically, assist the professor in all manner of tedium while she lectured. Due to a

Omg this article is fucking perfect.

He’s correct. As a percentage of the population, logistics experts are extremely rare. To find a woman logistics expert you’d have to work at it. Maybe hang out at bars near UPS headquarters.

I showed this story to my wife.

He did not, however, specify what the inaccuracies may have been.

Actually, Trump is not a full-blooded Oompa Loompa. He is the offspring of an Oompa Loompa and Mike TV.


Chris Christie is Augustus Gloop mixed with Veruca Salt

No! You’re not. Are they hair models?

I don’t think it’s necessarily inherent to Christianity though. I’ve seen a lot of people channel their narcissism and solipsism through eastern spiritual practices. Some people are just navel gazing turds.

Well. There’s my daily cause-for-vomit, and, look! Enough of it to last me at least the next week! But seriously WHAT THE HELL, GOVERNMENTS. I cannot hold this back by recycling and composting.

I know you won’t see this, but you are a big deal to me and I’m happy for you.

As cliché as it sounds, I love this country. This country gave refuge to my entire family, and I will be grateful for as long as I live. And entirely understand that this country has not been as generous or as good to other peoples. I was not brought here in chains nor were my people indigenous and decimated, and

You are someone with a smiley donut as an avatar, so I’m inclined to think you are someone of great good taste and excellent judgment. Which is why I was afraid the Honorable Kara Brown might take your advice under consideration and alter the Shady Baby Kara header, which would hurt me in my innermost soul.

Is she sweet? YES. Does she look like Linda Evangelista? SURE. But homegirl does NOT have the Charisma Uniqueness Nerve and Talent for this competition. We’ve seen sweet and innocent before, but this is NOT RuPaul’s Sweet and Innocent Race!

The Leader of the Free World doesn’t have to dress for other people.

Anyone else like that Angela is wearing pants and what look like practical shoes?

On Wednesday evening we shared the surprising and sort of delightful news that Brad Pitt’s newest passion is sculpting

They wouldn’t be at home here, or made to feel at home here, I assure you. We have on the other hand made nearly a million Flüchtlinge feel at home. The fallback “because they’re Nazis LÖL!” jab doesn’t work anymore, unless the they is, as you point out, you.