
Tried to dissolve a body in it?

This is a little outside the issue of the travel ban, but the US embassy in Kabul has stopped visa interviews for Afghan interpreters:

I can’t count how many times I’ve been uncomfortable with the person sitting next to me on a plane. Everyone is packed like sardines- it’s gonna happen.

The hero we don’t deserve.

The only time I’ve ever looked at my husband like that was when I was very stoned and he brought home Crazy Bread.

We truly are living through the golden age of the man child, aren’t we?

“You should be happy your rapist settled for you. Nobody else wants you.”

Well, I’m in one of the two remaining blue Midwestern states so may have to move if this pans out, but frankly I have the feeling things are at the point where patching won’t work.

The table has more political experience than the president elect so of course it will be DRAINED with the rest of the swamp.

When some people die, it’s sad but you think okay, it sucks, but maybe they were old or miserable or it was their time. Carrie Fisher, it’s just seems too fucking soon. She still had amazing, hilarious, helpful, and meaningful things to say. I STILL WANT TO HEAR THEM. She was like my close flawed and wonderful

He’s more of a so-so-ciopath

Are we supposed to just follow our president’s lead on this, and let it happen?

Look, you seem to be coming from a place of some knowledge intelligence here. Too bad it was covered up with a lot of misplaced aggression and immaturity. Back it down about 20 notches and make your point like an adult.

Look, you’re right, but I think you’re whole “try me” schtick is misplaced here. The point of this isn’t about Taiwan, really. It’s about a president who has no fucking idea what he’s doing wading into extremely tricky international waters. And if you’re going to pretend that it’s in the best interest of ANYBODY - us,

I don’t think anyone is suggesting he made the decision. he was just too stupid to know that foreign leaders ask new presidents all sorts of stuff to feel out how things will be. For example when he spoke to the Pakistani prime minister the Pakistani government invited him to visit and he said that sounded great. Cue

Oh for fuck’s sake.

You are all hypocrites. All of you. Fuck off.

Taiwan is a liberal democratic country (COUNTRY, fuckers) with a democratically elected president (not leader - president, and that’s Doctor President to you). She is a PhD holder who is the first female president of Taiwan and the first democratically

But do you actually enlighten this guy? I live in Trump Country. It’s not been my experience that rational and lively debate changes minds any more than screaming, because it’s actually pretty extraordinary to change someone’s mind. That’s usually something that only comes from lived experience, not from earnest

Never forget.

I’d save his life.

I’d save his life.