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US Coogan fans should also try to track down Dr. Terrible’s House Of Horrible, a 2001 BBC series spoofing both Hammer and Amicus films of the 60s and 70s, with episodes entitled Voodoo Feet Of Death and Lesbian Vampire Lovers Of Lust. Coogan plays the titular Dr. Terrible, under a lot of latex, introducing the various

So who do we blame for you?

(I didn’t realize that so many people felt limited by the number of ways you can currently pay for a sandwich. Sound off in the comments if you are one of them.) I always try to pay for my sandwiches by way of an interpretive dance.

Do you also get an indecipherable, weirdly illustrated sheet of instructions on how to eat your chicken and chips? And do you get a wooden fork or an Allen key?

Don’t even bother, people, West Townshend’s nailed it.

They’ve got to change the dispenser.......

Is this the answer to ‘Why did the chicken fat cross the road?’

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Still far less cringe-making than the original video...

After A Tale Of Two Kitties I was looking forward to A Personal History of David Coppurrfield.


Skid. Mark. Gabe.

AEW’s relationships with Folding Chairs R Us and Hal’s House Of Trestle Tables didn’t last long either.

One and the same! Who is also being investigated by the SEC about being involved with fake crypto-currency launches. Absolute fucking diamond, this one!

Hey! Hold up now! Let’s remember who the REAL victims are here.

Would eating this be classed as bombe disposal? *ducks hook*

He was just trying to make mulled wine.... on a huge, unseasonal psychotic scale.

Hopefully this will all end better than the other magnificent one-man cinematic obsession project, Richard Williams’ The Thief And The Cobbler....

In the UK this is distributed by MUBI, who also have Andrea Arnold’s Cow and Malgorzata Szumowska’s impressive The Other Lamb. Now they need to acquire three other offbeat indie pics entitled Potatoes, Peas and Gravy. Finding one called Mint Sauce may be too much to ask for.  

And that’s why you two are never invited round for dinner anymore....

And a nationality.