
Possibly not, and The CW showed its confidence in it by putting it up against the NBA Finals.

Thank you, Mr. K. I’ll take the prosecution’s opening statement now.

You want all your new friends to know straight off the bat that you’re one classy sonofabitch, don’t you?’ AF!!!

To listen to the track you have to cross your ears. 

His first question to her was ‘Have you still got the schoolgirl outfit?....’

The last part of a coruscating review in The Guardian is excellent - ‘ As commercial propaganda, this isn’t even convincing, portraying the studio it set out to glorify as a fading institution entering its decadent last-days-of-Rome phase. In this display of expensive corporate onanism, we arrive at a creative dead

I see the sinister influence of Big Moose....

These things can have terrible side-effects..

Really, Lillian? Fish? In the office?

Kevin Federline is studying the Greyhound Bus timetables to Las Vegas at this very moment....

They felt no pride in it, and it wasn’t manestream enough. 

Does she actually have a digestive tract or just some sort of trapdoor arrangement?

Seems that Amazon were lion about this....

This was also adapted, very well, for a BBC Radio drama -

Spicy chicken sandwich, since that appears to be all that’s going on in the catering world....

I have a signed copy of Julian Barnes’ The Only Story. A lovely edition with a ribbon bookmark, the woman in the bookshop actually had to point out the signature on the title page, since its neat, dainty, precise and about 9pt. Didn’t know you could write so small and yet be so clear.

The employees at J.P. McShitslinger’s Bar, Grill and Vomitorium. Obviously. 

Plus the shoulder straps, and the nails to affix the straps to the barrel. It all adds up....

Perhaps not such a loss. Remember, Fox still claim, according to their accounting, Alien never made any money. Ridley Scott jokes that why they keep on making sequels, to try to make back the money they lost on the first, and that he has far more watertight contracts on Prometheus and Covenant.

I haven’t heard Trout Mask Replica for about twenty-five years.