Aimee: What would you sing to a starter?
Aimee: What would you sing to a starter?
Robe Lowe? The dressing gown designer?
‘ and I learn a valuable lesson about keeping my olive oil next to the maple syrup.’ Or as I did with keeping the cumin next to the allspice, leading to an interesting (read: utterly inedible) lamb curry.
I think Fyfe Robertson was about the same age...
What do they call this device? The iPud?
He did go to the ER, Ernie’s Radios. He was no help.
Go faster stripes.
‘ the entire Vice article’. How terribly , terribly apt.
Surely the headline should be ‘Aww, ! There’s a Grape- shortage’.
(The green beans can go straight to hell where they’ve always belonged and stay there.) You’re a cold woman, Allison, cold as ice. Cold as steel. Or icy steel.
‘Something extremely challenging, like Un Chien Andalou’. Surely that should be a bag of lychees.
It’s as if Sammy Davis Jr. was in the room!
Ok, we’re willing to go 9% more wacky and 7% more crazy, but chew-tastic is completely off the table.
Try cheese with a bitter marmalade. Just wonderful.
Looks like something which was left in the back of the salad drawer for several long months...
Allison’s next taste test, methinks......
‘Your ex-boyfriend is a closeted necrophiliac and any sign of life from you turns him off.’ Many moons ago I remember one of the women who wrote the Dear Abby column, or some other agony column, was asked what her strangest letter was and she recalled, this would have been the early 70's, a woman whose new husband…
A fabulous piece of work, and part of a loose trilogy with Dallamano’s La Polizia Chiede Aiudo / What Have They Done To Your Daughters and Enigma Rosso / Red Rings Of Fear, the latter due to be directed by Dallamano before he was killed in a car crash, being eventually helmed by Alberto Negrin. What also makes Solange…
Wait till you see my protein smoothies made in a foot spa...