Or ‘Your leg’.
Or ‘Your leg’.
Or ‘Your leg’.
Or ‘Your leg’.
Ah, thought he was UAE.
He could end up in Saudi, as did Idi Amin as I recall.
That’s why he’s planning to flee to his golf course in Scotland before the inauguration and why the Scottish government are now debating whether he can be barred entry.
That has now become shorthand with friends and I. if we arrange to meet somewhere, when you still could, at least one would say ‘Is that the place next to the dildo shop and opposite the crematorium?’
Lil Putz.
He’s the illegitimate son of Ariel Bender and Pink Lady & Jeff! How could you not know that? Only A+ list stars for Donny T!
“I mean, were not saying that the Crispy Colonel Sandwich was Lebanese dog vomit on a recycled hockey puck garnished with the salty scabs of syphilitic goats raised just outside Chernobyl, but.......’
Robot Wars doesn’t have that ‘Larry and his team are sponsored by Completely Benign Electronics of Taintburg, and definitely not the CIA‘ thing going on, and the teams also seem far more amiable and willing to help out their opponents repair their own bots.
There is a desperate episode of CSI in one of the later seasons where the writers obviously thought they some had to get a Robot Wars / Battlebots element in there, and tortuously twist and buckle the plot so as the main suspects and victims are robot builders. It, especially the flashback to the killings, is…
Blonde Aryans?
‘Hey kids! Have some (horrible) cake!!’
I think Rudy’s going to have to take a number and stand in line behind Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, BNP Paribas, HSBC, Santander Group and any number of financial institutions Trump’s personally guaranteed hundreds and hundreds of millions of bucks he doesn’t have.
Good reference! I watched that again a few weeks ago. Fantastically nuts.
‘...part of a balanced breakfast. (Whatever that actually means.)‘
‘ ...having shelled out a $200 copay on the asthma inhaler I need to keep existing on this hellish plane’. Excuse me for prying but what do you actually use?
They’re beautifully made, and anybody who sees M. Hulot’s Holiday and doesn’t immediately want a vacation in France has no soul but, as you say, they’re not quite right for me, but that’s not dismissing the huge number of fans Tati has.
I’ve seen all the features, I believe, including Traffic, which was very difficult to track down. They’re pleasant enough, and have some nice observations, Traffic being surprisingly clever, but they just don’t make me laugh.