
You don’t get explanations like this on other websites. Good work, Prof!

Word of advice, don’t cook the last one.

Short answer - No.

One of my favourite memories of Christmases long passed are my Gran giving me surreptitious sips of her cherry brandy when my folks weren’t looking.

  • Only purchase from a butcher who has all his fingers and assorted extras, such as nose, eyes, toes, buttocks etc.

No, but it puts it in a better mood.

Coming this summer on Lifetime..... The Hamburglar’s Whopper, based on the novel by Allison Robicelli.

Looks about as appetising as this -

I’d rather be stabbed with an as-pic....

Call it Sliderpunk 2077

Photo of Nugget please, Dennis.

But there was also this famous ‘review’ of Lady Chatterley...

Naughty Hanna From Hamburg And Her School For Disciplinarians?

I have a friend whose birthday is Xmas day, and while he good-naturedly puts up with our claims he’s a werewolf, as is the superstition, his family make his life even more Hell. They always say he gets two lots of gifts, but, brilliantly, they divide up whatever they buy into two presents. So if it’s, say, a chess

You will notice that one of the more *popular* swears is notably absence from that list, probably due to the odious and offensive nature of the word which has not been diluted through the years and which cannot be obliterated. And that word is FLANGE!

A Doner kebab with chips (i.e. French fries) at a midnight show at the Screen On The Green, Islington, for a double bill of Assault On Precinct 13 and The Living Dead At The Manchester Morgue. This was many years ago, and was not something I usually did, honestly, and I did clean up and took all my crap with me.

Hot chocolate with cheap Spanish brandy, or one of the two or three-star Greek Metaxas. Actually, forget about the hot chocolate...

If you substitute ‘the bin’ for ‘a museum’ I’d agree. For much of my life my family’s cooking instructions were to boil anything for an hour and a half, and then give it another three-quarters just to make sure.

‘Tolerant’ is the perfect word. As long as you stay roughly in the 1-2-3 ratio you’d have to really work at it for the recipe to go wrong. I haven’t made this for a long while, but may have a go nearer Xmas.

Drambuie will also go well in tea toddies, but it seems to be getting harder to find these days.