Wait. Does this really work. I usually brush my hair in the shower with a wet brush. DO CLIPS WORK BETTER. HALP ME
Wait. Does this really work. I usually brush my hair in the shower with a wet brush. DO CLIPS WORK BETTER. HALP ME
Dude, I felt the same way. I tried and it is such a hard site to navigate. I love kids games, so if they updated and modernized the site, I’d totally be there too.
That’s pretty cool. Probably good you never took a job there. My 11 year old self is really jealous.
Yeah, what? I hope they don’t think that. I’m white, but I’ve hated the flag since I was a child. I remember flicking off a truck driving around with a flag at the tender age of 11. While I’m happy people collectively gained consciousness over it, I’m also saddened that my community had to go through another tragedy…
If it isn’t satire...I keep imagining the poor moms who have to take photos of all these manchildren.
We have great hearing in my house and we put on the subtitles because we kept saying “DID YOU CATCH THAT WHAT WHY CANT I HEAR THEM.”
I was at the mall with my mom, and we were about to walk out the door with a bunch of bags. Some white lady rushed passed us and the buzzer went off. My mom instinctively started to look through our bags for the offending tag—meanwhile, the lady who had actually stole something was long gone. I tried to explain that…
It feels like we’re always making compromises. Don’t make as much as your male co-workers? Well, you’re making close *enough*, stop whining! This is just another bone to placate us to shut the fuck up. Like, how unreasonable we are to want to be represented as equals in this fucked up world. God damnit. I’m pissed…
Omg link please?
My guy asks me my ring size at least once a month (dude, put it in a note on your phone!) and tells me he wants to marry me all the time. We’re going to Europe for a month in the fall on my birthday—mayyyybe then? CROSSING MAH FINGERS FOR US ALL.
HAHA. Omg are you me? It’s nice to know there’s a few other people out there in the same situation..
Seeeriously. One of the big reasons my SO stopped drinking was the monthly bill we incurred. Those two-buck-chuck bottles from Trader Joe’s add up!
You’re awesome.
I know. After last weeks episode I was like....RUFUCKINGSERIOUS.
I’m glad I’m not the only one. For a second I went blank and I was like “Wait is he like a CEO of a bad perfume?”
I had the same thing told to me by my first doctor (in Georgia). I wasn’t married and therefore I shouldn’t even be having sex. I got the hell out of there and got a new doctor and they were god damn awesome to me and gave my my first IUD. I’m now on my second IUD. I don’t get periods and I haven’t bought tampons in 6…
That’s really interesting. Thanks for responding!
Hey, just curious, how did you get the internship there? I’m going toying with the idea of doing a masters in Forensic Psychology along with getting my JD. I’d like to dip my toes in first. :)