Diablo Himself

SAME EXPERIENCE. 32F here with also a small compact ribcage. I'll go extended periods of time without wearing a bra around the house (like a few days if I'm working from home), and my breasts will start to ache. I'm sure if I HAD to go braless forever, I'd suck it up but luckily I don't have to. I'm most happy with a

YISS KOREAN SKIN CARE. I just ran out of my Mizon gel. :( I do not want to do another haul. Also, what serum is $65 is it SKII?

If you live in the EU, almost everyone has a passport. Traveling between countries is like traveling between states for EU citizens. I traveled alone at 14 in the states to go to conferences I was involved in. No one questioned me or stopped me from doing anything.

HAHA YES. YOU ARE THE BEST. OFFICIALLY. My gut reaction was to tell him to fuck off, but after quickly realizing he was super super awkward socially, I didn't want to crush him and make him even more jaded with the world. BUT OTHERWISE I WILL TAKE THE BEST CAFE SEAT AND IGNORE THE WINDOW AND EVERYONE ELSE CAN SUCK IT.


Tiramisu can take *days* to make if you're doing it properly. You probably missed the boat. =(

And then the follow up question is always, "Oh you don't want to fuck me? Do you have friends that would fuck me? Please? Please let me fuck your friends!" NOOOOO.

I was in a cafe the other day, sitting in a window booth a few minutes before my shift. A guy told me from another table that I was sitting in a "favorite seat" and that I should look out the window to enjoy it (I had been checking the news on my phone). I thought he was upset that I was taking up a window seat to

Are we all just ignoring the fact that this would largely affect communities that have higher concentrations of HIV infection? I see this as another way to bar gay marriage in this state. It would also lead to more greater stigmatization and discrimination against people with diseases. Free STI/D testing with great

Thank you for sharing. I give you a million internet hugs.

Hahahaahahaha. Oh man, no. No not yet. I'm sill new at the lab so I'm trying to appear normal. I will save that move though, that's rich. I'm sick.

Born in 88. Was on a computer every day at 3 in 91.

I dated a guy who had a two toned dick.

I miss my god damn sunday roasts.

Ugh. Yes. I'm sorry your friend didn't get the pay he deserved. My city has multiple restaurants being sued by chefs for wage theft and extortion (fucking finally).

God damn, that's depressing. This class of people would be the newer form of the producing-proletariat, I suppose?

An aside about corporations trying to trump private-life: I had a boss get legitimately angry with me that I didn't want to spend Thanksgiving at work with him. I had finished my work that morning. If I had stayed longer like he wanted, I wouldn't be paid and I would miss the afternoon and Thanksgiving dinner with my

You had a great realization there. I'm working shifts in a neurobiology lab, and I've come to realize it's really close to being a chef (which is what I just quit doing). You have to do a lot of fine motor stuff, you have to know anatomy of animals, you have to be highly organized and you can't be grossed out easily.