
I remember something similar, folks would go shopping and leave my brother and I in Alladin’s Castle until they were done. Good times, I really wish arcades would make a come back.

This may be a dumb question, but is there a way to oust an entire administration and have an emergency re-election, essentially a do-over? I don’t remember anything like that in any government/law class I took in High school or College.

I was trying to come up with a good description of the aesthetic and now I don’t have to. Thanks!

As much of a Comics geek I am, I am also a car nerd (shout out to Jalopnik). I keep obsessive records about my cars maintenance.

And you are the best at it, Coulson would be proud.

This. I work IT in a hospital, HIPPA is gospel here.

Man, now I almost regret building my Retropie. This would have been great for the cartridges collecting dust.

OMG. Same here, same look on my face.

Is this from the mobile game? I haven’t really got that far in the game, at what point/level do you get the ability to fuse?

This is an awesome idea for a commercial, is there a petition we can sign for Toyota to license this?

I lol’d


This, all of this . . . well except for the hair thing, I’ve got very little left up top, and the temps here in Baltimore shift through the extremes.

This reminds me of when I was a teen and my grandfather told me the story of his arriving to the US in 1947 or 48 from Greece. He came through Ellis Island and he remembered being awe struck at the site of the Statue of Liberty. He picked up a pamphlet or booklet that had a brief history of the statue as he was

I believe that he is simply throwing out these orders as a distraction so that we miss any real legislation getting put through.

My father had renewed his green card last year, but after Trump won, he applied for citizenship just in case that asshat changes something and he can’t come back into the US if he takes a trip back to Greece to visit family. I told him it would take a long time, but I don’t think he understood just how long.

I call shenanigans! No one voted for Quistis Trepe? I am very hot for this teacher!

How do can I get to this magical place?

I would run and have him as my VP, then I would quit leaving him as Pres.