
You forgot sand, gravel, wind, hail and surfaces with more than 1/2" of standing water.

Should be fine as long as there’s no rain, snow, mud, or towing.

remember when russia first invaded ukraine and they realized that a failure to do basic maintenance resulted in the tires of all their vehicles to be completely rotted out and thus unable to traverse anything other than a paved road and the highways into Kyiv became a killing field?

I’m not saying landmines around the perimeter is a good solution, but I’m not, not saying it either. 

Rendered up here:

That’s pretty close the the late Ford Edge, which certainly never caught on, unfortunately. 

If Miata is always the answer, how about a Miata wagon/shooting brake? A new version of the clownshoe maybe?

The new Jetta. It would be great to see a new version of the Alltrack as well.

Every SUV at least.  Back from whence you came, you abominations!

The Dodge Charger - BRING BACK THE MAGNUM, you cowards. 

Did they hire Michael Bay to video the landing? That was amazing. 

What’s The Worst Thing A Passenger Has Done In Your Car?

That is a good way to wear your ankles as earrings if you are in an accident. Do you want to see what the soles of your feet look like up close, if the answer is no then don’t put your feet on the dash. Plus it is just clatty. 

Just started rolling down their window and trying to light up, no asking for permission first, fuck that shit, they can pollute their stanky ass car all they want, smoking in someone else's car without requesting and receiving approval first, rude!

It was either my wife when she would put her feet up on my dash (squashed that quickly) or my friend who was wasted one night and got dip spit down the side of my Mazda during the drive home from a bar one night in college (this got in every crevice, inside my wheels, etc.).

might not be a major irritant for many drivers, but passengers putting their feet on the dash. Just don’t.

That is reserved for girlfriends/wife only, if ever.

Yeah that’s a big no no that warrants a swift slap on the hand.

Reached over and honked the horn at someone else on my behalf. Someone who was driving dumb, not, like, a friendly honk to someone we knew or something.