
I feel bad, but some home repairs have kept me from being able to get 2nd gear working on my FoST. I legitimately don’t know if its the linkage or the syncro. I have to go from 1st to 3rd, which isn’t bad when getting on the highway, but the other half of my commute is in downtown Baltimore.

Yes! I was looking to see if someone had mentioned this yet or else I was going to do it myself. The fact that they caught on and had to change up how they do warranties makes it even better. 


A Mazda 6, surprisingly. I test drove a then new 2004 Mazda 6 and the drive was bad. The steering was jittery and the suspension was wallowing around every corner. Granted this was a base model, but this was worse than the 1994 Corolla that was my first car or the bent framed 2000 Ford Ranger I was looking to replace.

My mother had this fear of water in general due to nearly drowning in a pool as a toddler. While growing up, anytime we would go over a bridge (funny enough we live in Baltimore and have been over the Key bridge many a time) she would grab onto my father and repeatedly tell him that, “ . . . if we go over save the

Convertibles - I don’t like being in a vehicle with the top down, hard or soft. I don’t know why, but it gives me anxiety. I don’t even like opening the sun/moon roof on any of the cars I’ve owned, which is weird because I enjoy driving with the windows down.

Right?  I’m surprised they never thought to have a colab or something.

Mercedes G-Wagon drivers. Every time I see one on my commute to work, its either cutting off someone without using a signal, passing someone on the shoulder and/or honking and hitting the high beams to get someone out of their way. Most of the time they are doing all 3.

Sad that I had to scroll so far down to see this, it really should be in the top 3 ugliest. 

You could also substitute public transport for continuing Work From Home mandates also, well at least partially I suppose.

/RegularCarReviews “I want it” /end RegularCarReviews

Why do bigots always forget that just because they have a right to speak doesn’t mean that anyone has to listen?

Not gonna lie, Crimson Desert looks like someone crossed BoTW/TotK with Elden Ring.  And that is not a bad thing . . .

Does the PSLink dongle work better/faster/etc than bluetooth would on the console?  Is it like Bolt by Logitech?

Can’t we just vote to remove Florida’s status as a state and vote in Puerto Rico in its place? Then let Florida go into “territory” status.

This sounds familiar, does anyone remember Armitage III?  

I’m surprised I haven’t seen a Cyberpunk Edgerunners version yet . . .

Love it.