
I have no problem with people being gay. However if they start having sex in front of my children when I ask them not to, if they say what I can and cannot do because of how it affects their belief system, if they constantly tell me that because I am not gay I will suffer an eternity of pain and torment, if they knock

I think they're going to pass laws banning gay marriage and abortion and stem cell research. They will be science deniers. They will require the teaching of their holy book in a SCIENCE class. They will require public school kids to have a moment of silence instead of a moment of learning. They will publicly question

Yeah! Teach those heathen children to show members of the powerful religious majority their due respect! Sure, most of them would flat out not vote for you to be president solely because you don't share their beliefs, but whatevs, you're an ASSHOLE if you think they would only not vote for you due to ignorance!

We have a winner! Indeed, this thread sounds very MRA-like to me as well. Being annoyed is not the same as being discriminated against *by the government that you pay for.* Did you know that in my state, I can't run for public office because I'm an atheist? Did you know that my daughter's teacher gave her a Jesus book

OK, I get the religious people are still worthy of respect as people and everyone is allowed to have their own beliefs and all that, but about the "wrong" thing? No, sorry. People who believe in literal creation, that the Earth is only 6000 years old, that women were created to be subservient to men, etc. are in fact,

The point is that the article is addressing the much larger group of Christians that are constantly pushing an agenda where not being Christian, and especially not be religious makes you an immoral heathen. You don't get props for being a decent person, bc that's what you're supposed to be. By trying to get snaps for

I am all for respecting other peoples beliefs if they keep them to themselves. Tell me that I am a sinner, going to hell, missing out on milk and honey by not worshiping then I will tell you exactly what I think of your religion and it won't be nice.

Your voice is heard, all the time. It's the dominant one in this country.

It's not a matter of numbers, it's a matter of privilege. It's the same matter of privilege as we talk about all over this site. Everyone has privilege of some sort. I have white privilege. I have an education privilege. But I'm a woman and I'm an atheist. Those are not privileges in this country.

perfect. this is where i get to go all fox news and say,

So you've had some bad conversations. Dude, everyone has. Have you been in a work situation where you are the only non-praying person? Been asked where you attend church by a boss or a person being interviewed? You are part of the majority in the US, at least. It's very WTF-y to me to hop in here, in a conversation

Yes, lets hoist up that fake canard to let atheists know you're still somehow better. Good job. The study shows most atheists aren't raising their children that way, but thanks for bringing it up...

It's not nice to be rude to anyone. But these comments just read very "what about the men!" to me. Here we are having a conversation about how atheists can raise wonderful kids despite being told by the religious majority that we are amoral (something people have literally told me) and someone pipes up "well just

I guess I mostly feel like this comment is the equivalent of a "what about the men" comment (the OP's, not yours, I just would rather interact civilly with you). It's like yes, of course people should be respectful of one another. But I think the vast majority of atheists deal with substantial issues over their lack

sorry, miss #notallchristians

right? 'stop calling me dumb' vs 'my religion literally dictates your life'

I'm not outright rude to religious people, but after spending 20 years of my 30 year life defending myself from screeds about what a terrible person I am, or how I cannot have morals for lack of god, I'm not entirely sympathetic to this argument. Religious people are the vast majority in this country, and much of our

if religion got out of the business of politics and morality-legislation (while being tax-free) i would be more on board with this... but the religious influence politics and make policies based on their religion that affect us all - as a non-believer, i don't tolerate that.

Too many people have this attitude and its a huge part of the problem. I'll admit I had about the same views on this sort of stuff (I'm not a drug trafficker, what do I care?) until I was a victim of a Federal civil asset forfeiture even though I was never charged with a crime (in fact one agent readily admitted to me

Would you say the same thing if they broke down your door and searched your house? "I don't care if I have nothing to hide and they leave the place the way they found it!"