Declan Hackett

You say that, but when New York sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing corruption, they’re bringing adultery. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to White House guards and

Hot damn that is awesome. Every time I hear something new about Canada, I think “I should move there...”

Moab 2019!

Bad news if the team is comprised of actual mustangs.

Heisenberg gets pulled over by a state trooper. The trooper asks, “Do you know how fast you were going?” Heisenberg replies, “No, but I know exactly where I am.”

Well you might have to invert the polarisation of the tachyon field first to make it work. But otherwise it sounds ok.

In any instant, one can know the location of the engine in a Vette or the current/future status of the Vette but never both at once?

but did Vargas pay for the shorts? that’s the important thing.

Please let him go into journalism and take her job....

At Rod Salka FordLincolnMazda I guarantee you credit approval or I’ll eat my hat! Rod Salka FordLincolnMazda, you’re not a customer, you’re family!

He should have stuck with fencing.

Because he fucking wanted to? What more reason than that does he need?

Looks like it’s not just happiness but a happy ending for him.

You’re in your mid to late 30s- Look at yourself man, you can’t even party any more.

thank you for this.

I remember fighting with a number of progressive male friends who maintained voting against Hilary was necessary to shake up the establishment so that things would eventually shift their way. I can’t tell you how much breath I wasted pointing out that having the courts stacked with nutjobs would equal generations of

Voting for candidates who aren’t perfect is totally more self-indulgent than refusing to vote at all. Just ask Alex Pareene!

I refuse to stop bringing this up all the time as well. Pathetic that people can’t be bothered to vote in this country. Well here you go assholes, here’s what you get. It’s 2018 and here’s some backwards rube saying that maybe Brown v Board wasn’t a good thing.

But important thing is that people who voted 3rd party, or who stayed home on Election Day, really stuck it to the establishment.