
“He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do.

It went from marginally funny to sad pretty dramatically, didn’t it?  

Well congratulations on finding a way to make this all about you. Clearly you’re the real victim here, not the woman who was bullied so much she had to go into hiding.

Well, Dodger stadium is 56,000 seats, times 81 home games a year, times two trips. That’s $9,072,000 a season. Which would mean it’d only need to be the sole purpose of transportation for every single fan for every single game (assuming sell out crowds), while costing $0 a year to operate or maintain for 100 years to

Post-Nixon America was so traumatized by Nixon’s crookery that it swerved around to elect a Sunday school teacher who was nice to the public, didn’t lie, and worked tirelessly for peace. Sometimes the backlash is a good thing.

I’m confused here- the press corps shouldn’t address the fact that Trump is/will be revoking clearances from government officials critical of him? I honestly don’t get what this post is about.

They support Democratic Socialism which is based on the principles of a democracy. Like FDR and Teddy Roosevelt. Democratic Socialism is using a little money from everyone to provide services for everyone. This country already has many social constructs paid for with our tax dollars - the military, highways and

Admittedly, this is perhaps something that someone with gaping holes in their brain might find logical.

“And if you happen to be near the ocean or a salt lake, all you have to do is fill an empty can of beans with some of the water, leave it on the dashboard of your van overnight, and the next morning, you have free salt!”

I hear there may be a group trying to do it tomorrow in Virginia. This would be there second time doing it. It did not turn out so well. Since Otakon is on the same day and its so close.

The first level of Trump’s consciousness... why do they all look like Ivanka?

I don’t even know how to respond to this. If you don’t understand that a joke can be an act of racism, but a joke can’t be an act of pedophilia, then there’s nothing I can do for you, other than teach you how to tie your shoelaces.

Are we sure that Jones and Info Wars have really been banned? Isn’t there a chance that all of these channels still exist, and fake “spokespeople” have been hired to explain the non-existent “bans?” Ask yourself: who benefits from a fake ban of Alex Jones and Info Wars?

No one wants to talk to you, and smearing yourself in shit and screaming your lungs out isn’t going to change that. 

Every animal dies. Not every animal truly lives.

OSU fan, huh?

I love that you slipped and called Nick, Ron

If you were a TRUE beer knower, you’d do tastings like the pros: floating in space on the dark side of the moon.

There’s just so much here. Part of the reason this situation feels so odd and unprecedented is because, as the letter alludes to, this is an extremely nuanced situation that is being handled in the court of public opinion- a court that is famously bad at handling nuance.

Now playing

Black Lotus is “restricted” in Vintage, meaning you can play one copy, and people absolutely do so. Depending on where you are in the world, though, it might be exceedingly hard to play a game of Vintage.

Vintage play is more common in Magic Online, and you can watch this set of matched Reid Duke played to get a sense