
To the commentators

Since we’re all missing the point I’ll jump in. If the Latinx person wants to use the term Latinx, why does anyone (especially anyone not Latinx) care? I’m sure you have better things to do than scream impotently into the void that your opinion matters. You don’t see me asking you to not embody the

Right, i went in expecting Cliff to destroy him based on all I’d heard on the internet. When the scene was over I wondered why people freaked out so much. And i agree, it was a silly, fun scene.

Why not? It’s clear somebody ought to explain it to you as you understand it so poorly.

Honestly, I think providing an explanation might go a long way toward shutting up some of the, “I don’t understand what the problem is” people.

I’m a big fan of Rogerian theory in argumentative practice—the core idea being that we all agree, at some point along a line of ideas, that a given thing is important. It’s how

I’m so sorry that politics in the arts bothers you so much. Maybe art just isn’t for you.

Typical Trumper response - first you try to blame it on China, then you pin it on Canadian imports.

Live every day like it’s your last.

There is a point; he’s a piece of shit and it’s important to express that, even if I know there’s no real chance he (it’s always a he) listens or learns. Ignoring them is the right call 9 times out of 10, but right now I think taking a moment to push back, despite it being pointless, fills a social need for those of

I . . . don’t disagree. There is a weird, reverse-both-sides-are-guilty dynamic to blaming the Democratic Party in this situation for its failure of tactics, when in reality there were no tactics that really could have saved them in this situation. McConnell is absolutely determined to ram Kavanaugh through by any

Surely the Malazan Book of the Fallen has to be this generations unfilmable series? But damn, part of me wants to see them try.

Lindsey Graham, like far too many politicians (of -all- stripes), nourishes himself primarily on the milk of hypocrisy; had President Obama’s appointee had to go through this (and Judge Garland was spared that indignity, thanks largely to the senior Senator from my birth state of Kentucky), you know Graham would

I am really haunted right now re: Kavanaugh and I guess I will just put it on this article. But for any of you who do not have interaction with Trump assholes - not like, greedy Republican douchebros but like, elderly rural people and those types - I think it can be easy for us to cast them aside because maybe they

I’m glad I saw it in a theater. It definitely helped build suspense.

Green Room’s violence has stuck with me at least as much as any other films. While there are plenty of movies that have way more deaths, injury, and gore, none seemed quite as visceral or real (for lack of a better world) to me than that film. Even now, thinking of the arm getting stuck outside the room with the

The economy would collapse.

A "hot hand" is what got Jameis Winston suspended in the first place.

but imagine being so despised by your players that they believe there were conspiratorial motivations behind your mistake

Yes. Honestly, you probably are the only one who is troubled by this. 

Why settle for one Mack when you can have TWO DJ Haydens?!