
Thank you!!!!

Just recast the entire movie to the Sunny cast. Frank as Mario, Charlie as Luigi, Dee as Peach, Dennis as Warrio.

For as loudly and self-righteously logical is you’re trying to be, you somehow can’t see that nearly everything you’ve said is irrelevant, because you’ve started from a false premise.

Say what you will about Vick’s particular brand of animal cruelty, at least it’s not also contributing to the destruction of the entire planet.

That’s pretty much how Snyder treated Watchmen, albeit unintentionally.

Sorry, I misread your comment nearly as bad as you misread Starship Troopers.

ST satire, as well as it’s targets, are pretty clear: jingoism, fascism, blind loyalty to a warmongering government, the othering of one’s enemies, governments’ and military’s use of propaganda to sell war to a people and a quick, violent death to young people, and how easy it is to convince ourselves that we’re the

A. Not sure how your first sentence applies to an article by a Latin American writer.

That’s part of the point, though, isn’t it? Even if you don’t have as many Latin American programmers as white ones— and I have no idea if that is case — there are certainly no shortage of Latin American writers. Game companies should hire more writers from diverse backgrounds, if for no other reason than that there

Well shit, everyone, you heard him. Ol’ Trigger Me Shivers Now doesn’t like a word, and he’s never heard a person he’s personally interacted with use it, so SHUT IT ALL DOWN!

Of course you can, language is changing all the time. What you *can’t* do is state a strict prescriptivist perspective on language as an obvious fact, unless you want to sound like an ignorant fool.

People made the same ‘unelectable’ arguments against Obama in 2008.

Setting aside any complaints about the depiction of Lee as ‘arrogant’, I think writers describing the scene as Cliff either beating or almost beating Lee are vastly exaggerating what actually occurred.

They were! And though they no doubt had plenty of skills that Ali never had, as strikers they are both essentially amateurs compared to Ali at his peak.

I don’t think Lee ‘taking out Ali’s legs’ is anything close to a viable hypothetical. Again, there is a massive weight and reach difference; Ali’s reach was almost certainly longer than Lee’s kicking range. I just don’t see any way Lee could even get close enough to do anything. For the most extreme example of this,

100 years ago politicians were certainly threatening mass deportations, especially in places like Los Angeles, but they didn’t follow through nearly as much as Trump and ICE are doing today. They relied more on terror via threat rather than terror via crimes against humanity.

That is quite nice of you, though it increasingly seems that just because someone legally has rights doesn’t mean that ICE will recognize or respect them.

I think he’s less comparing boxing to martial arts and more comparing a 6'3" 230 fighter to one six inches shorter and 90 lbs. lighter. Certainly jujitsu is often more useful than traditional boxing in MMA fights, but those fights also involve people approximately the same size. No even mildly reputable organization

Jemisin, in my view, is the single most exciting and important author working today, full stop. To say someone transcends genre is a bit of a cliché, but Jemisin absolutely does. High schools will have her books as a regular part of their English curriculum within 50 years, I can nearly guarantee it.

There are plenty of people I would really like to see win (most of them work on Better Call Saul), but no one more than Stephen Root. He is amazing in Barry, obviously, but he is so versatile and so consistently great that its a crime he’s never won an Emmy before.